Moonlight Sonata // =*
Temat: Eskimo diet, ciąg dalszy
..."In the 1970s Bang and Dyerberg[*] studied the dietary habits of Greenland Inuits, as this population was known to have a low mortality rate from CHD [**]. This was one of the earliest epidemiologic studies looking at the relationship of dietary n-3 fatty acid intake to the rate of CHD. Dietary surveys indicated that the Inuit diet was not a low-fat diet and that approximately 39% of caloric intake was from fat. Additional analysis revealed their consumption of saturated fat to be low (9% of total calories) while their dietary consumption of n-3 PUFA was high (4.2% of total calories). These findings contrasted sharply with the dietary habits of an ethnically similar population in Denmark with much higher rates of CHD. The Danish diet had a comparable amount of total fat (42% of total calories) but a much lower intake of n-3 PUFA (<1% of total calories) and a much higher intake of
Temat: Naukowa karuzela strachów
...epidemie nie tylko cukrzycy typu II ale chorob nowotworowych uruchomic mozna przekaz genetyczny u tych ludzi, ktorzy takie predyspozycje do pewnych nowotworow maja.....a stosuja nieodpowiednia dla siebie diete. Nadal badan tej diety nie robicie, co? A tutaj wklejam ta informacje o wplywie wysokotluszcowych diet na pojawienie sie hyperisulinemi u osob zdrowych. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- High saturated fat and low starch and fibre are associated with hyperinsulinaemia in a non-diabetic population: The San Luis Valley Diabetes Study J. A. Marshall A1, D. H. Bessesen A2, R. F. Hamman A1 A1 Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, Colorado, USA A2 Department of Medicine, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, Colorado, USA Abstract: Summary A geographically based sample of 1069...
Temat: DO i badania naukowe
W międzyczasie podaję swoje na to, iż jest właśnie tak jak pisze Joanna. Design: Seventeen women and 24 men followed in the same sequence 4 diets containing 35% of total energy as fat. na co to jest dowod???? na to co pisze Joanna??? dieta z 35% tluszczu jako zrodla energii jest dla ciebie niskoweglowodanowa??? a wysokotluszczowa?? The saturated fat diet contained 17% palm oil; the monounsaturated fat diet, 20.9% olive oil; the n-6 polyunsaturated fat diet, 12.5% sunflower oil; and the n-3 polyunsaturated fat diet, sunflower oil supplemented with 4-4.5 g fish oil/d. Each phase lasted 4-5 wk. Conclusions: The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat diets were healthier, producing a better lipid profile. The n-3 polyunsaturated fat diet increased the capacity of serum to promote the efflux...
Temat: Wegetarianizm - ostrożnie z młodzieżą
...Witamina B complex, thiamine i kwas nicotinic. Mineraly 2% (fosfor i potas) KOKOSY Kalorje, bialko (6.8 gramow) , tluszcze (62.3 gramy) weglowodany na kazde 100 gramow! Powyzsze rospisanie pozywnosci kielkow, orzechow, mleka, i kokosow najwyrazniej potwierdza iz wegetarjanska dieta moze bardzo latwo osiagnac jakiekolweik pozywne zawartosci ktore miesozerna dieta zawiera. Wegetarjanska zrodla bialka sa niskie w nasycone tluszcze ( saturated fat) i poprzez to maja przewage nad bialkami otrzymanywanymi z miesa. Wiec wegetarjanskie daniem kiedy jest dobrze zrownowazone, moze byc pozywne, zdrowe, nawet pozywniejsze i zdrowsze od diet miesozernych.
Temat: % tl. w serze?
Tluszczu nasyconego? A po czym go poznam? :) To w serze to co to jest? Sciagnij sobie program Nutrition Facts (1.6MB) Wpisz "gouda" i zobaczysz, ze 100g tego sera ma 27g tluszczu (total fat), w tym 17g nasyconego ( saturated fat). Na niebiesko zaznaczone sa procenty dawki dziennej (daily value). Pozdrawiam, Vipi
Temat: pieczywo - szczupła sylwetka na węglowodanach
...concentrations when they were on the high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet, both after fasting and after breakfast and lunch. The study participants also had significantly lower HDL (the 'good' cholesterol) concentrations on this diet. The authors conclude: "Given the atherogenic potential of these changes in lipoprotein metabolism, it seems appropriate to question the wisdom of recommending that all Americans should replace dietary saturated fat with [carbohydrate]." But then, in 1992, from the Framingham study again came: "In Framingham, Mass, the more
Temat: Depresja wegetarian [ang]
gzyra wrote: Cholesterol, made naturally by the liver, holds together cell membranes and is the raw material that builds hormones. A diet that includes cholesterol and saturated fat from animal products can quickly put cholesterol levels in the danger zone. In contrast, plant foods contain no cholesterol and little
Temat: Czy miałkość i wulgaryzacja języka i postaw
...two potential routes to tackle the problem are for people either to consume fewer calories or to use more – or, ideally, a combination of both. But these two sides of the equation are hardly equal. " on “misinformation” "is to propose mandatory labelling presented in a simple and easily- understandable format – to include a limited number of key elements such as energy (total calorie content), fat (including saturated fat), carbohydrates (including sugars) and salt."
Temat: jeszcze raz optymalni
...per week; 95% confidence interval, 0.04 to 0.35; P=0.02). High maternal consumption of fish, but not meat, was associated with higher diastolic blood pressure in the offspring (regression coefficient, 1.00 mm Hg per portion per week; 95% confidence interval, 0.18 to 1.82; P=0.02). These associations were independent of maternal blood pressure, body size, and smoking habits during pregnancy. Although we cannot exclude confounding by maternal saturated fat or salt intake, the findings support those of a study in Aberdeen showing higher blood pressure in men and women whose mothers had eaten a high-animal protein, low-carbohydrate diet in late pregnancy. These associations may reflect the metabolic stress imposed on the mother by an unbalanced diet in which high intakes of essential amino acids are not accompanied by the nutrients required to utilize them. Zywienie optymalne:...
Temat: Moja dieta
...50-year follow-up of the British Doctors Cohort.17 That study demonstrated that the adverse effects of persistent smoking had been substantially underestimated in studies that relied on shorter durations of follow-up. A similar phenomenon has been documented for dietary intake. In a 14-year follow-up study of dietary fat intake and coronary heart disease events among women from the Nurses' Health Study, the positive association between trans fat and saturated fat and the inverse association for monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat was generally stronger when we used a cumulative measure of diet constructed from repeated dietary assessments compared with a simple baseline dietary measurement.18 Assessment of diet requires further refinement. Knoops et al assessed diet using 8 broad components obtained from interview-administered diet histories that focused on diet only over the...
Temat: Soja - potrawy
...coś, o czym w nich nie ma mowy, .......................... pisze zawsze rzetelnie i fachowo to że mięso , sczególnie tluste jest istotnym czynnikiem w nadmiernym "starzeniu " sie mózgu to pogląd ugruntowany w nauce - taka jest obiektywna wiedz na ten temat: "The more years you consistently eat a high animal fat diet, the more severe the risk of loosing your brain power. The danger comes from a long-time pattern of a high saturated fat diet. An occasional hot-fudge sundae splurge is not likely to be detrimental. A study by Richard Mayeux and colleagues at Columbia University showed that people over age 65 who had diets high in animal fat were 5 times more likely to develop Parkinson’s than those who ate the least animal fat."
Temat: pieczywo - szczupła sylwetka na węglowodanach
..."In America, we no longer fear God or the communists, but we fear fat," says David Kritchevsky of the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia, who in 1958 wrote the first textbook on cholesterol. As the Surgeon General's Office discovered, however, the science of dietary fat is not nearly as simple as it once appeared. The proposition, now 50 years old, that dietary fat is a bane to health is based chiefly on the fact that fat, specifically the hard, saturated fat found primarily in meat and dairy products, elevates blood cholesterol levels. This in turn raises the likelihood that cholesterol will clog arteries, a condition known as atherosclerosis, which then increases risk of coronary artery disease, heart attack, and untimely death. By the 1970s, each individual step of this chain from fat to cholesterol to heart disease had been demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt, but the veracity of...
Temat: Coraz wiecej naturalnego i organicznego jedzenia.
...comes in contact with receptors and the circulation that stimulates the growth of cancer cells throughout the body. The random factor that makes raw milk a healthier choice as it protects your health from betacellulin: The presence of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) that's five times greater in milk produced by grass-fed cows. CLA blunts the cancer-causing effect of betacellulin and has prevented cancer in lab tests too, particularly in conjunction with saturated fat. Just a reminder, organic milk may be free from hormones and other contaminants, but it's still pasteurized, a destructive process that eliminates virtually any good bacteria already present, and may have lower levels of CLA too. > nie mierz innych wlasna miarka, wiekszosc ludzi nie ma alergii :) U wiekszosci ludzi efekt picia pasteryzowanego mleka moze sie nie demonstrowac alergiami, ale na przyklad heart disease i...
Temat: Wegetarianin od małego
...dla szybko rozwijającego się układu nerwowego dzieci. Z tego powodu zaleca się regularne spożywanie ryb, w szczególności kobietom i małym dzieciom. Tu, żeby uprzedzić tromtadrackie oskarżenia o braki w wykształceniu, odpowiedni cytat ze strony US Environmental Protection Agency: "Fish and shellfish are an important part of a healthy diet. Fish and shellfish contain high-quality protein and other essential nutrients, are low in saturated fat, and contain omega-3 fatty acids. A well-balanced diet that includes a variety of fish and shellfish can contribute to heart health and children's proper growth and development. So, women and young children in particular should include fish or shellfish in their diets due to the many nutritional benefits." Jednocześnie należy mieć świadomość, że w NIEKTÓRYCH gatunkach ryb mogą znajdować się nieco większe...
Temat: Dieta ze zmniejszoną ilością W odchudza i zmniejsza ryzyko chorób naczyń krwionośnych
"Krystyna*Opty*" <krystynao@anty.spamwrote in message In obese, insulin-resistant persons, a calorie-restricted diet, moderately lower in carbohydrate and higher in _unsaturated fat_, is as efficacious as the traditional low-fat diet in producing weight loss and may be more beneficial in reducing markers for cardiovascular disease risk. tyle tylko, ze na Kwasniewskim zjadacie saturated fat a nie unsaturated. chyba, ze sie Kwasniewski wreczscie doksztalcil i cos zmienil w swoich opty zaleceniach. poza tym kazda dieta cukrzycowa ma ograniczenie w carbohydrates, wiec nie wiem czym sie tu podniecac. iwon(K)a
Temat: odżywianie wegetariańskie dla zdrowia
...San Antonio, Texas, Mary Imogene Bassett Research Institute, Cooperstown, New York and McMaster University, Ontario, Canada. The Berkeley Heartlab at University of California is also an active participant in the study and is part of a National Asian Indian Heart Disease program. The study has been published in the reputed American Journal of Cardiology and other leading medical publications. i zalecenia draErnasa dla Hindusów : . Watch out for the saturated fat
Temat: Piramida żywieniowa w przebudowie.
...Those who fail to read the book may also fail to recognize the need for consuming ample quantities of water, and in a glycogen depleted state, that can further add to risk of kidney stones and other disorders. EAT ANYTHING? Let's take a look at another of Atkin's premises, one that OK's the consistent ingestion of red meat, of bacon, of butter, and other saturated fats. I can do a complete article on this topic alone, but I'm going to bypass it since saturated fat has been so conclusively linked to coronary artery disease, it doesn't even merit discussion here. I have, as I mentioned, met with great numbers of Atkins dieters, and I've found some very consistent data in understanding their adherence to the diet. They all cut out simple sugars and refined and processed flours. That's good! I encourage people to do that as it will help stabilize blood sugar and facilitate fat release . . . providing...
Temat: Proteiny
mam pytanie. proponuje mi sie zakup protein bialkowych po dosc atrakcyjnej cenie , mianowice 450g / 15zl na opakowaniu napisano : Vehemence Whey Protein 60% Saturated Fat - 2g Protein - 60g Lactose - 25g Calcium 880mg Phosphorus - 800mg Copper - 4,6 mg Vitamin B2 - 2,74mg Vitamin B12 0 1.86mg Energy = 225Cal/950kJ chcialem sie dowiedziec czy branie czegos takiego moze uszkodzic organizm ?? chodze na silownie mam zamiar intensywnie cwiczyc aby zrzucic nadwage , wiec moj WFista zaproponowal mi odzywke o duzej zawartosci bialka , czy taka mogla by byc ??? pozdrawiam dziekuje za odp
Temat: prosze o sprawdzenie i opinie
...come to Europa from the USA. < Ja bym tutaj uzyl simple past The fashion of such negative habits came to Europe from the USA. People eat there very unhealthy. People there eat very unhealthy. Chodzaz, merytorycznie wlasciwiej by bylo: People there eat very unhealty food. They try to avoid vegatables which contain a lot of fibre and vitamins I would use tend instead of try The food they prefer is rid of any beneficial nutrients, like protein or saturated fat. Does not contain or is without any... albo takie slowko : is devoided because they are used to eating jung food and do not want to come round. ...and do not want to change their habits. PS. I hope I didn't make to much mess in your brain. If some of suggestions mantioned above seem silly to you...just disregard them Pozdrowka.:)
Temat: kilka nowych zasad
...1: Now includes 1 percent or fat-free milk, low-fat plain soy milk (4 grams of fat or less per serving), 1 percent or fat-free buttermilk, and fat-free plain yogurt on the Phase 1 "foods to enjoy" list. Limit dairy to 2 servings a day. Note: Feel free to flavor your fat-free plain yogurt like a ricotta creme. Phase 2: May introduce artificially sweetened nonfat flavored yogurt, but limit this variety to 4 ounces daily. Note: Since the SBD is still low in saturated fat, high-fat whole milk products will remain on the "foods to avoid" lists for all Phases. Tomatoes: Old Version: Limited to one whole tomato or 10 cherry tomatoes per meal in all Phases. New Version: Not limited in any Phase. Onions: Old Version: Limited to ½ per day in all Phases. New Version: Not limited in any Phase. Carrots: Old Version: Avoid carrots in Phase 1 and 2; allowed in moderation in Phase 3. New...
Temat: [long] THE TIME: Should We All Be Vegetarians?
...whatever their dietary preferences. We know that fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes and nuts are healthy. There are any number of studies that show that consuming more of these plant-based foods reduces the risk for a long list of chronic maladies (including coronary artery disease, obesity, diabetes and many cancers) and is a probable factor in increased longevity in the industrialized world. We know that on average we eat too few fruits and vegetables and too much saturated fat, of which meat and dairy are prime contributors. We also know that in the real world, real diets--vegetarian and nonvegetarian--as consumed by real people range from primly virtuous to pig-out voracious. There are meat eaters who eat more and better vegetables than vegetarians, and vegetarians who eat more artery-clogging fats than meat eaters. The International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition, a major conference on the subject, was held this...
Temat: Fundamentalistka
...cukier fruktoaza nie ma zlego impaktu na zdrowie, wrecz przeciwnie. Niektore owoce maja tez wazne dla zdrowia antioxidants. Ani do Mleka krowiego, ani do sojowego nie dodaje sie cukrow(chyba, ze sa to napoje sporzadzone na ich bazie...takie jak mleko czekoladowe) Wyjatkowo dobre zdrowie powiedzmy Grekow przypisuje sie spozywaniem warzyw, owocow, ryb i oleji(przede wszystkim oliv oil), a bardzo sladowym uzywaniem kwasow nasyconych ( saturated fat) naturalnie w maslach i partially hydrogenated Oils uzywanych w wielu tanich margarynach. W USA i Polsce razem uzywa sie wiecej tych drugich. Oleje, wszystkie rodzaje jezeli uzywane w postaci naturalnej posiadaja duzo ogulem tuszczy, ale bardzo malo saturated fats, i tu nawet tej zdrowszej odmiany, naturalnie sa bezholesterolowe. Sam holesterol, tez dzieli sie na dobry i zly dla czlowieka HDL i LDL Tak wiec nic zlego by nie bylo...
Temat: Aminokwasy - w czym ? ta soja, ale jezeli jakis produkt zawiera wiecej B, to nie znaczy ze jest lepszy. Ile tego soi sie jada :). Jak przeliczysz to byc moze stwierdzisz, ze jestes na atkinsie, co prawda Twoja pizza raz w tygodniu to wykluczy. Pisales, ze "bialko" zawiera lepsze B niz zoltko. Jak widac wizualnie na stronie ktora podales, zoltko ma 3 gwiazdki, jajo 1, a "bialko" 2 Jak wol jest napisane: "bialko" <The Good This food is very low in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol. It is also a very good source of Protein and Riboflavin. The Bad This food is high in Sodium. dobre zrodlo B i ryboflawiny, malo cholesterolu/mit ktory juz zostal opisany/ i malo kwasow nasyconych. Oczywiscie w tabelach nizej nie zawiera wogole omega3 i omega 6, B12 =0, za duzo sodu. Zoltko <The Good This food is low in Sodium. It is also a good source of Protein, Riboflavin, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic Acid and Phosphorus. The Bad This...
Temat: DO i badania naukowe
...and the Institut Pasteur, INSERM UnitĂŠ 325, Lille, France (JCF and GRC). Background: The fatty acid content and saturation degree of the diet can modulate HDL composition and cholesterol efflux. Objective: We studied the modifications in plasma lipoprotein particles and serum capacity to stimulate cholesterol efflux induced by different fatty acids. Design: Seventeen women and 24 men followed in the same sequence 4 diets containing 35% of total energy as fat. The saturated fat diet contained 17% palm oil; the monounsaturated fat diet, 20.9% olive oil; the n-6 polyunsaturated fat diet, 12.5% sunflower oil; and the n-3 polyunsaturated fat diet, sunflower oil supplemented with 4-4.5 g fish oil/d. Each phase lasted 4-5 wk. Results: In both sexes, apolipoprotein (apo) A-I concentrations were significantly lower with unsaturated fat diets than with the
Temat: Różnica miedzy Atkinsem a Kwaśniewskiego???
...headaches, dizziness, insomnia, irritability and, in severe cases, gout and kidney problems. In addition, this ketogenic state can be particularly dangerous for people with medical conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, kidney problems and diabetes. Staying on the Atkins diet for several weeks is considered unhealthy, and even dangerous, for the following reasons: Foods high in protein like meat, eggs and cheese are also high in saturated fat, which is a known risk factor for raising blood cholesterol and increasing the risk of heart disease. Diets high in protein can increase calcium loss from the body, which may increase the risk of osteoporosis. People with medical problems such as liver or kidney disease may be at risk from serious problems and even death from a diet high in protein. This is due to the stress placed on the kidneys and other organs to eliminate...
Temat: Błędy Jana Kwaśniewskiego
Użytkownik "Marcin 'Cooler' Kuliński" <marcin@poczta.gazeta.blahnapisał w wiadomości Przeciez profil aminokwasowy nie zalezy od wagi zjadanego produktu. Mit o szkodliwosci cholesterolu w pozywieniu /jajach/odwolal juz nawet IZZ. Wiec wydaje mi sie, ze jezeli na stronie jest napisane o zoltku: ---------------- The Bad This food is high in Saturated Fat, and very high in Cholesterol ---------------- to doprawdy, wszystkie wiadomosci przyjmuje z przymruzeniem oka, takze te o profilach. Pozdrawiam maf
Temat: jak jedza Amerykanie..
...tylko szklanke soku pomaranczowego i idzie do pracy. W kazdym amerykanskim dajnerze dostaniesz omleta robionego tylko z bialek z dodatkami jakimi chcesz. W domu amerykanie jedza jajka w "plynie".Nazywa sie to cieciu egg beaters. Super na wszelkiego rodzaju jajecznice! Podam Ci nutrition Facts/oczywiscie powiesz, ze to tylko na opakowaniu tak pisze/ , g.. prawda cieciu. jeden serving -1/4 cup to: 30 calorii, calorii from fat 0 total fat 0 saturated fat 0 cholesterol 0, sodium 5% total carbohydrate 1 g dietary fiber-0 sugars less than 1g protein 6 g do tego cala gama witaminA-15% calcium 2% iron / zelazo/ 6% vit D 10% vit E 4% thiamin 10% riboflavin 50% vit B 4% vit B12 20% zinc 4% egg whites 99% i co ty na to? W Polsce nie na wszystkich opakowaniach podaja nutrition facts, zatem nawet nie wiesz co zresz cieciu!A powyzsze przyklady moge mnozyc.Pewnie, ze to kosztuje...
Temat: dieta niskocholesterolowa
Nie boj sie , cholesterol nie boli . Poszukaj troche na internecie na ten temat . Jesli znasz angielski , polecam ksiazki :" The Great Cholesterol Con , The thuth about what really causes heart disease and how to avoid it " by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick i " The Cholesterol Myths , exposing the fallacy tha saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease " by Uffe Ravnskov , MD . Zmieni sie twoje poglad na ten temat i bedziesz sie smial prosto w oczy twojemu lekarzowi . Pozdrawiam .
Temat: Co zawierają brokuły?
...Articles, Links Glycemic index of local foods and diets: the Mediterranean experience. Riccardi G, Clemente G, Giacco R. Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Federico II University, Medical School, Naples, Italy. The Mediterranean diet is a healthful eating pattern associated with the prevention of coronary heart disease (CHD). Its main features are moderate intake of total fat (predominantly monounsaturated fat), low consumption of saturated fat and cholesterol-rich foods, and high intake of starch. Although this type of diet has beneficial effects on lipid metabolism, its high carbohydrate content might not be ideal for patients with diabetes or other conditions associated with insulin resistance (e.g., metabolic syndrome), who are known to be at particular risk of CHD. We therefore evaluated the glycemic response to starchy foods based on wheat (typical of the Italian diet) in patients...
Temat: dieta a zdrowie... również członków PAN). Optymalna jet tańsza i ma wlasności lecznicze (jest wtedy ściśle określona) 2.2 Wodór jest lepszy od węgla. Wszyscy o tym wiedzieli. Bo wszyscy wiedzą że wino wytrawne jest lepsze od soku winogronowego jak i to że przy fermentacji odchodzi CO2. On to uogólnił na tłuszcze w czasie gdy cały Świat zachwycał się tłuszczami wielonienasyconymi. Zobaczcie sobie co teraz się dzieje na Świecie wokół SATURATED FAT. Nawet u nas zaczynają sprzedawać olej palmowy (nasycony do granic możliwości).Można powiedzieć że Optymalna jest niskoWĘGLOWA ( oleje a zwłaszcza wielonienasycone nie są zalecane). Włączyłem się bo zauważyłem że gryziecie własne ogony. Popieracie to samo a bałagan informacyjny sprawia że toczycie spory. Nie jest wykluczone że nawet Marek Li też jest na diecie niskowęglowodanowej, bo napisał " nie lubię...
Temat: Soja - potrawy
...b***baczku. Twoje posty są wzorcem nierzetelności i niefachowości. > to że mięso , sczególnie tluste jest istotnym czynnikiem w > nadmiernym "starzeniu " sie mózgu to pogląd ugruntowany w nauce - > taka jest obiektywna wiedz na ten temat: > "The more years you consistently eat a high animal fat diet, the > more severe the risk of loosing your brain power. The danger comes > from a long-time pattern of a high saturated fat diet. An > occasional hot-fudge sundae splurge is not likely to be > detrimental. Po pierwsze - przywołujesz badania obciążające winą za ryzyko utraty sił umysłowych dietę bogatą w tłuszcze zwierzęce, ale jej wyniki rozciągasz na dietę zawierającą mięso w ogólności. To typowe dla ciebie kłamstwo i manipulacja. Po drugie - tematem dyskusji jest soja, więc nie odwracaj kota ogonem. To, że w...
Temat: dolegliwosci na atkinsie??
...incorrect." And it scolded book publishers for promoting "bizarre concepts of nutrition and dieting." On the Atkins diet, up to two-thirds of calories may come from fat—more than double the usual recommendation—and that violates everything medical professionals believe about healthy eating. Carbohydrates are the foundation of a good diet, most say. Eating calorie-dense fat is what makes people fat, and eating saturated fat is what kills them. Despite this, Atkins' books have sold 15 million copies, uncounted millions have tried the diet, and practically everybody has heard of someone who dropped a ton of weight on the Atkins plan. Finally, several research teams around the country have put Atkins to the test, driven largely by weariness at having nothing solid to tell patients and, in some cases, a desire to prove Atkins wrong. One study was even...
Temat: Kolejne igrzyska, tym razem narkotykowe
| normie), ale kampanie inormacyjne już trwają. Wystarczy, żebty trafił | się żywieniowy fanatyk. już widzę ten wjazd DEA czy ABW w kominiarkach i szybka rewizję zawartości lodówki... :) FSIS! Hands up you saturated fat freak! :8] Predzej chodziło mi o zakaz produkcji, a nie konsumpcji. tja tylko że te najgorsze czyli np rozpuszczalniki są najłatwiej dostepne całkowicie legalnie, Wiesz dobrze, że siła narkotyku nie jest jedynym wyznacznikiem jego szkodliwości. Poza tym, nie można zakazać sprzedazy rozpuszczalników czy benzyny, bo ich neurotoksyczność jest jedynie efektem ubocznym. To trochę tak, jakby zakazać sprzedaży styropianu, bo...
Temat: odżywianie wegetariańskie dla zdrowia
American Heart Association o cholesterolu The American Heart Association has drafted an advisory paper warning the public about what it says are the dangers of high-protein diets. "They put people at risk for heart disease and we're really concerned about that," said Dr. Robert H. Eckel, senior author of the paper. "Long-term, the saturated fat and cholesterol content of the diet will raise the ... bad cholesterol and increase the risk for cardiovascular disease, particularly heart attacks." tak jak pisałem organizacja zawodowa lekarzy i dietetyków skladajaca się glównie z osób jedzacych mieso uważa że dieta zawierajaca tluszcze nasycone i cholesterol zwieksza ryzyko...
Temat: Hipokryzja
>a mic nie chodzi o nic innego jak o niewyważanie otwartych drzwi co >próbujesz robić Brumbak, nie manipuluj, nie wklejaj mi tu ogólnych opinii, bo w tym samym artykule pominąłeś to, o czym mówię: Vegetarian diets can be healthful and nutritionally sound if they’re carefully planned to include essential nutrients. However, a vegetarian diet can be unhealthy if it contains too many calories and/or saturated fat and not enough important nutrients. Dlatego jeśli potrafisz, to podaj ten cholerny przykład zbilansowanej diety roślinnej i nie zawracaj głowy ideologią. Potrafisz?
Temat: mleko kozie-nie uczula jak krowie?
...synkowi. Sprobowalam za to mleko sojowe i musze przyznac ze jak na razie moj maluch toleruje je bez problemow. Nie chcial jadac tegoz mleka o smaku naturalnym, wiec podaje mu je o smaku waniliowym. (Musze przyznac ze smakuje lepiej, ale generalnie rzecz biorac jest ono malo przyjemne dla podniebienia (powinnam dodac dla mojego podniebienia . Podpowiem Ci jedynie ze przy kupnie tego mleka zwroc uwage na to by w tabeli skladnikow zywnosciowych nie bylo tzw. saturated fat, a jesli juz jest aby bylo tego jak najmniej. Gdzies czytalam ze to rodzaj tluszczu ktory w miare mozliwosci powinno sie unikac (choc producenci stosuja go niestety czesto). Na razie tyle moich doswiadczen. Powodzenia!!!!!!!
Temat: >dieta zdrowa dla serca - najnowsze opinie adequately meet nutritional needs. People who stay on these diets very long may not get enough vitamins and minerals and face other potential health risks. Many Americans follow popular diets, such as the Atkins, Zone, Protein Power, Sugar Busters and Stillman diets. Most of these diets aren't balanced in terms of the essential nutrients our bodies need. Some are high protein and emphasize foods like meat, eggs and cheese, which are rich in protein and saturated fat. Some restrict important carbohydrates such as cereals, grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products. If followed for a long time, they can result in potential health problems. That's why the American Heart Association guidelines urge adults who are trying to lose weight and keep it off to eat no more than 30 percent of total daily calories from fat and less than 10 percent from saturated fat. On most high-protein diets,...
Temat: Baza danych kulinarnych.
...cabbage, thyme, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/8 teaspoon pepper, and 2 tablespoons water. Cook over medium-high heat 5 to 8 minutes or until cabbage is wilted, stirring frequently. Stir in bacon. 3. Top cabbage mixture with cod fillets. Sprinkle cod with remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/8 teaspoon pepper. Cover skillet and cook over medium heat 10 to 12 minutes or until cod is opaque throughout. Based on individual serving. Calories: 235 Total Fat: 5 g Saturated Fat: 2 g Cholesterol: 78 mg Sodium: 490 mg Carbohydrates: 13 g Fiber: 7 g Protein: 36 g
Temat: quinoa & & #35; 8211; komosa ryżowa
quinoa & & #35; 8211; komosa ryżowa zawartość odżywek (100g nasion): Calories 318 Total fat (g) 4.9 Saturated fat (g) 0.5 Monounsaturated fat (g) 1.3 Polyunsaturated fat (g) 2 Dietary fiber (g) 5 Protein (g) 11 Carbohydrate (g) 59 Cholesterol (mg) 0 Sodium (mg) 18 Riboflavin (mg) 0.3 Vitamin E (mg) 4.1 Copper (mg) 0.7 Iron (mg) 7.9 Magnesium (mg) 179 Manganese (mg) 1.9 Phosphorus (mg) 349 Potassium (mg) 629 Zinc (mg) 2.8 Bardzo dobry dodatek do mleczka kiełkowego. zobacz artykuł:w dziale kiełkowanie- 17 Pytanka i...
Temat: Polacy i cholesterol
...fats (and factory- made fats, such as hydrogenated ones) are far greater problems than dietary cholesterol, and compared with some other foods, eggs are not an especially high source of saturated fats. (Egg white is almost pure high-quality protein: so if you are a cholesterol- sensitive person, skip the yolk and eat the white.) To show you how unfair it is to implicate the egg in cholesterol problems, consider that an egg contains only two grams of saturated fat and 75 calories versus seven grams of
Temat: Some baby foods worse than junk food
7oz napisała: > Główny problem, o którym mówią w tym artykule to ciasteczka Czy glowny to trudno orzec. Biszkopty sa akurat podane jako ten skrajny przyklad, ale jak wynika z artykulu, The CFC, part of food and farming campaign group Sustain, said it examined the nutritional content of 107 baby and toddler foods available in supermarkets in March. It found only half the products were low in saturated fat, salt and sugar, as defined in Britain's Food Standards Agency guidance. Jakos trudno mi sobie wyobrazic ze wsrod 50 produktow ktore nie spelniaja wymagan BFSA byly same ciasteczka ;) Sloiczki czy nie, rozsadek ( i artykul) podpowiada by znac umiar i sprawdzac nie tylko sklad ale i zawartosc cukru i tluszczu np.