Moonlight Sonata // =*

Temat: [Program] BiteSMS
No i pojawiła się genialna aktualizacja, ale ja nie wiem czy mi znów nie usunie wszystkiego z Appstore... 5.0 Beta 4 lResend when failed feature (see Settings, Retry on Failed) llAdded a new feature in Quick Compose to †śAuto Show Favs” llFine tuned the position of the contact pic in the conversation screen (Apple do something very similar in the email app).l Kuurde, coraz bardziej chcę wrócić do biteSMS, ale nie wiem czy mi to na dobre wyjdzie...
Źródło: forum.myiphone.com.pl/viewtopic.php?t=2437

Witam Jesteśmy jedną z wiodących Polskich firm produkujących pokrowce samochodowe. Nasze wyroby cieszą się dużym zainteresowaniem, ponieważ oprócz ciekawego wzornictwa posiadają konkurencyjne ceny oraz wysoką jakość wykonania. Posiadamy duże możliwości produkcyjne, zatrudniamy kilkadziesiąt osób. W związku z rozwojem naszej firmy poszukujemy nowych klientów hurtowych na rodzimym rynku. F.H.P †śAUTO – DEKOR” Menager Tomasz Ochwat Tel./Fax. (0-13) 438-81-01 Tel. kom. 0-784-015-294; 0-668-496-420
Źródło: biznesforum.pl/viewtopic.php?t=33072

Temat: problem z Logitech Set Point
...the external mouse as the secondary device and the internal pointing device as the primary. Since the Logitech mouse is the secondary device, this causes detection issues with SetPoint and the Logitech mouse connected to the PS/2 port. There are a couple of options to work around this issue. The easiest possible solution is to connect the Logitech mouse to the USB port of your notebook if possible. The other option is to change the setting of the external PS/2 port to †śAuto-Select” or â€
Źródło: forum.idg.pl/index.php?showtopic=130065

Temat: Instalacja Debianana na Aspire One
...195 113 * dodatkowe opcje dla touchpada o musimy powiedzieć xorg, żeby używały sterownika Synaptics. Poniżej cała moja sekcja InputDevice dla myszki: Section “InputDevice” Identifier “Synaptics Touchpad” Option “SHMConfig” “on” Driver “synaptics” Option “SendCoreEvents” “true” Option “Device” “/dev/psaux” Option “Protocol” †śauto-dev” Option “HorizScrollDelta” “0 EndSection o syndaemon pozwala na zablokowanie działania touchpada gdy klawiatura jest używana. Powinno to zmniejszyć ilość przypadkowych kliknięć / przesunięć kursora myszy gdy piszemy. a więc: aptitude install syndaemon. Następnie musimy odpalić syndeamona w naszym skrypcie startowym X-ów, na przykład: syndaemon -d -i 0.8 -k. * aby poprawić wydajność karty...
Źródło: aspireone.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=199

Temat: Windows Live Messenger Problems
Hi therealpadd, Please check and tell whether you have “Create a rule to block automatically" ticked "On" in the "alerts" settings ...I have got the box ticked about creating a rule to block automatically In this case have you tried to work without this option checked? And probably it will be helpful to show somehow the set of rules that you have or just try to recreate them all after disabling that †śauto-”. Then, "atdmt. com" has like around 25 or more blockings in current MVPS hosts file including www . atdmt. com The same situation is in the latest hpHosts, which a-squared uses (12 blockings and www included as well) Have you tried allow www. atdmt. com?(I think that may not be related, though) Well, probably developers will add to that. I don't have any problems with Live Messenger if I would start it up... and it is tweaked...
Źródło: support.emsisoft.com/index.php?showtopic=555

Temat: AVG false positive
...high rate of detection”, “outstanding detection capabilities”, and so on. ‌ but as for FPs - how about the latest "Avast disaster", when according to many reports all over the Net the latest update was killing programs and Pcs... you can find many out there ... a lot of screaming and hair loss and Avast is one of the leaders in the industry It happens ‌ especially when users are not listening and are not switching off all †śauto” - quarantining / deleting / healing as soon as any security was installed At least there is no such a problem with a-squared, since it wisely only notifies you about suspects. My regards
Źródło: support.emsisoft.com/index.php?showtopic=811

Temat: prosba o ogledziny Grudziadz, BRALIN (wrocław), Chrzanów
...tak samo jak francuzi . A co do turkow to 80% maja place z autami a nie sprzedaja swoich zajezdzonych aut . Po drugie jak sie wam nie podobaja auta od turka to dlaczego nie idziecie do Niemieckiego komisu i nie kupicie tam auta z gearancja i z wszystkimi dokumentami co?? Bo szkoda wam kasy bo te auta sa drozsze o 30-40%niz te na allegro. A ty jak nei chces zczytac moich postow to nei czytaj ja jak nei chce to czytam nastepny post chyba ze jestes Bootem i robisz to rutynowo. Kupile sauto z wloch i siejesz tu zamet jakie to tanm sa super auta .
Źródło: bmw-klub.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=98699

Temat: [PORADNIK] Robienie screenów - 2 sposoby.
...dwie opcje zostały chyba stworzone na potrzeby Ultimy Online. Pierwsza “Crop a Titlebar” nie wiem co robi (nie zauważyłem różnicy w działaniu programu z włączoną, czy wyłączoną opcją. “Only Game Area” robi zdjęcie górnego, lewego rogu ekranu o rozdzielczości 640x480. W Ultimie Online może i jest sens używania tej opcji, jednak poza nią radzę tej opcji nie używać, bo po co komu kawałek interesującego screena? †śAuto Shutter” to opcja pozwalająca włączyć/wyłączyć automatyczne robienie screenów. Jeśli jest włączona, to program robi screena co tyle minut, ile użytkownik ustawi w polu obok. Na samym dole programu są dwa buttony: Pierwszy z nich “File Name” to opcja umożliwiająca zmianę systemu tworzenia nazw screenów. W pole tekstowe możemy wpisać dowolny tekst (jednak nie za długi i jeśli screeny mają być potem wrzucone na...
Źródło: zsquare.eu/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2226

Temat: And why FreeRIP entries in registry bad?
...Version - 11/5/2009 - for Windows XP, 2003/2008 Server, Vista and 7‌ there is only the special version 3.5 of Anti-Malware Suite, which is still available since its life was prolonged a bit compare to what was declared. See Download Page ======= Other than that ... basically, it should not take more than 48 hours (usually less than 24) after the submission from detection list or Quarantine and rescanning with updated signatures whether it is manual or †śauto-“respectively according to the method. If there is a delay and/or the user still has doubting about the result - there is away to send e-mail if there are files or just a report if there are Traces with no file associations. The address: fp@emsisoft.com Before submitting, create a password protected archive (ZIP or RAR) containing the file(s). Make sure the main body of the email contains the password for the compressed archive. As for Google...
Źródło: support.emsisoft.com/index.php?showtopic=724

Temat: Using Security Software To Scan Data
...restore measures may be needed, or even a full system re-installation. 3) Pay special attention to the items detected in such vital areas as C:\ ; C:\WINDOWS\ ; C:\Windows\System32\ ; etc. 4) It is always better to be safe - whenever you install security software always set the detection actions to alert you and ask you what you want to do. Disable the action to automatically quarantine or delete detected items (such as †śauto-healing”) If detections are FP's, you run the risk of rendering your system inoperable. If you are uncertain, get on a forum and ask for assistance before quarantining or deleting.
Źródło: support.emsisoft.com/index.php?showtopic=81

Temat: Large Updates
You are welcome, Joe. Thanks for replying and the explanation re: the †śauto-update”. Just a brief note: the preference in having other AV/anti-malware solution for real-time is your personal choice, but since you have whole a2 Suite you can leave Malware-IDS part, unless you are using different behavioral Blocker (BB) as well. “OnExecution” scan feature would not heart at all too... ... but BB layer of protection is a must-have nowadays. Cheers!
Źródło: support.emsisoft.com/index.php?showtopic=595

Temat: Automatic Update problem?
Hi Scottls, You decided to perform clean reinstallation as in your new thread That is definitely worth trying. As for the “weird auto-update issues”, as you wrote there, I may confirm that it’s indeed unique (not sure about weirdness :wacko: ) since I found only few old cases where the manual update worked but the †śauto-“ wasn’t functioning at all – that is the difference. The only info regarding the Interval as I suspect was found in my e-mail The Italian user kindly notified me after his contact with EMSI Support. He was advised: - to change the "Interval Start" to 7:00 (that’s what I was talking about re: “remembering things”) - Switch to English language and then back to Italian The 2nd part may not be applicable but the...
Źródło: support.emsisoft.com/index.php?showtopic=189

Temat: 1988 Ford Taurus Wagon
I to sie pojawilo na czeskich stronach www. sauto.cz, i kupili go za dwa dni. Chcialem go, ale bylo zapuzno.... Cena? 5000,- Kč na zlote 658,- i to byl taki ze mial digital dash, auto klima, full wypas.... stan dobry. Ten szary II gen ma padla skrzynie, ale wypas tez bardzo dobry... http://www.
Źródło: forum.roadrunners.pl/viewtopic.php?t=685

Temat: a-squared Free, delay in start
...a-squared creates a list of the suspects and the the user have to make a decision. It only notifies you. That is a correct (soft and safe) approach. Other AV's have this options as well. Some of them, e.g. Avira, has the default setting for notification-dialogue only. Auto-quarantine could be dangerous Please read this Sticky regarding the matter So when & if you will use McAfee (which I not a best choice according to my knowledge) – disable all †śauto-” deletion / healing settings straight after the installation Your “could it be because of quarantine?” cannot be answered because we have no idea what was quarantined. Next time pleas save the report; submit the items to the developers & ask if you are not sure My regards
Źródło: support.emsisoft.com/index.php?showtopic=1747

Temat: [Exx] 535 ile takie autko moze palic benzynki??
http://www. sauto.cz/car_detail.php?filt ... id=5736738 Jle autko z tego ogłoszenia spala benzynki może ktoś z was wie?
Źródło: bmw-sport.pl/viewtopic.php?t=9521

Temat: False positives from Emsi definitions?
...have only one main AV with the resident. Others can be on-demand only, but even then you may have clashes and conflicts Certain level of experience required for maintaining several AVs present As for Symantec in particular – my personal opinion – definitely do the opposite: leave a2-squared A-M and uninstall Symantec properly using special Tools You are the one to choose what you want to use and make the decision In addition read this Sticky in terms †śauto-” settings in Symantec if you have any My regards
Źródło: support.emsisoft.com/index.php?showtopic=1516

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