Moonlight Sonata // =*

Temat: Scientists eavesdrop on endangered whales to save them
...summer and fall, they're awfully chatty - sometimes yielding 2,000 recordings in a single day. It took three months for Clark to record that many whale sounds off Savannah during the 2004-2005 calving season. With the Brunswick study, Clark's team will compare its whale recordings with sightings logged by the aerial survey teams. Meanwhile, Clark is developing mufflers for the underwater microphones to eliminate noise caused by waves and storms. A second array of satellite-tracking buoys will be placed offshore of Boston in the spring. Inside each buoy, sounds picked up by the microphones are analysed by computers programmed to pick out right whale calls from other noises, using patterns based on hundreds of thousands of samples of the whales' voices. Electronic identifications are transmitted in real time by satellites, though Clark said humans still doublecheck to make sure they're right whales. Multiple...

Temat: Unveiling the underwater ways of the white shark
Unveiling the underwater ways of the white shark [img=right][/img]It's hard to study a creature when you only catch fleeting glimpses of it. Up until recently, that was one of the big stumbling blocks for marine biologists and ecologists, but advances in electronic tracking technology have allowed them to peer farther across, and deeper under, the surface of the oceans than ever before. Satellite tracking systems and acoustic sensors are giving researchers insights into the behavior and lifestyles of some very elusive animals in the ocean, including the fabled white shark. Researchers from several institutions, including Stanford University, have joined their efforts in a Census of Marine Life project called Tagging of Pacific Predators (TOPP). Since the project began in 1999, they have attached more than 3,000 tags to sharks, seals,...

Temat: Crews bang pipes hoping to steer whales to sea the water to create unpleasant noises intended to get the animals to leave. None of these efforts worked. Fees said authorities decided to give the whales a break on Thursday to avoid desensitizing them to the recorded sounds. Fees said the whales may also be left alone on Friday, but plans remain fluid. Responding to a question, Fees said any attempt to capture the whales and take them back to sea may cause the animals to drown. Plans to tag the mother whale with a satellite tracking device have also been dropped to avoid causing more stress on the animal. Rio Vista is expected to be a tourist hot spot over the weekend. The town is home to about 7,500 people, but it will swell by thousands over the weekend as people arrive to recreate and see the whales. Jon Copley of the Coast Guard urged recreational boaters to keep an eye out for the whales. Officials will be enforcing a 500-yard safety zone around the animals. Meanwhile,...

Temat: Real time satellite tracking coś dla miłośników śledzenia satelitów
chyba nie było tego na Forum: Real Time Satellite Tracking pozdrawiam :Salut:

Temat: namierz kogoś po num telefonu - gps tracker
">Welcome to Satellite Tracking GSM mobile phone tracking system via the GPS-TRACK satellite network Based on repeater triangulation, the system tracks mobile phones using GPS and GSM technology We are not responsible for possible tracking errors that may occur. GPS Tracker

Temat: Loggerhead Turtle Territories Defined By Salinity
...with the Atlantic ones remaining in the south of the Western Mediterranean and the Eastern Mediterranean ones staying in the north of the Western Mediterranean. Mónica Revelles, lead author of the study and a researcher in the Animal Biology Department at the University of Barcelona (UB), tells SINC that “before, we did not know the Atlantic turtles stayed in the southern Mediterranean, and the Mediterranean ones in the northern part, but the genetic data and satellite tracking led us to suspect this.” The study shows the immature individuals are oceanic (unlike the adults, which remain close to the coast), but that they do not stray beyond the areas they are used to. For this reason, the experts believe that water salinity could play a significant role. Maps of ocean currents and salinity show that salinity is lower in water masses moving around the southern area than in those circulating around the northern part of...

Temat: Scientists solve porbeagle birth mystery
Scientists solve porbeagle puzzle Satellite tracking system shows sharks swim to Sargossa Sea to give birth In the deep, clear waters of the Sargasso Sea just by the Bermu­da Triangle, chunky porbeagle sharks are giving birth. “In the fish world this is pretty exciting news," marine biologist and shark expert Steve Campana said Thursday. It’s exciting because until now researchers didn’t know where this smaller relative of the great white shark delivered its pups....

Temat: California's Wayward Whales Back on Track
...of Fish and Game. The pair were last seen Tuesday night in San Francisco Bay, where few obstacles were left on their route past Alcatraz to the ocean. "The assumption is if we have not sighted the mother and calf by late afternoon that they have made their way out to the Pacific," Fees said. Rescuers planned to rely on commercial vessels and Coast Guard patrols on regular duty to watch for any sign of the pair in the bay. Biologists originally planned to attach a satellite tracking tag to the mother humpback, but gusty wind and malfunctioning equipment stymied the effort. The whales was first spotted May 13 in the Sacramento River and got as far as the Port of Sacramento before finally turning around. Thousands of people have since lined Northern California waterfronts to see them. Biologists also said the chance to closely observe the pair for so long was invaluable for science. Ariadne Green, 57, of Vallejo,...

Temat: Marine Ecology. Process, Systems, and Impacts
...shelf seas, the deep sea, mangrove and seagrass habitats, tropical coral reefs and polar regions, although the deep-sea section is, to my mind, rather short. A second edition might see improvements to the photographic plates (replacing a few fuzzy images and adding scale bars where necessary). The drawings, however, are highly informative and enhance the overall coherence of the book. I am pleased to see that some of my pet research topics are well covered (e.g. data from satellite tracking fishing vessels and from maerl habitats) and I would thoroughly recommend the text to fellow marine scientists and educators as it provided me with some much needed revision of subjects I had picked up incorrectly in the past. A major strength of this work, and one that sets it apart from the approach adopted by older marine ecology textbooks, is the emphasis on human-induced impacts to the marine realm. Marine scientists are called upon more...

Temat: Sound Sightings
...require about $167 million to set up. Part of the Census of Marine Life--a global 10-year initiative to inventory sea life--it will cover 14 ocean regions throughout the world, says Welch. Welch, who runs Kintama Research Corp. on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada, says the network could clear up fisheries management questions. For example, "European" and "American" stocks of bluefin tuna are managed separately. Yet, he notes, satellite tracking has shown that fish can "move back and forth across the Atlantic in just a few weeks." The Ocean Tracking Network should enable scientists to determine how those stocks are mingling, which should lead to better coordination of the tuna fisheries, he says. Right now, the Canadians are on tenterhooks waiting to see whether they're going to get the $32 million they have applied for from the Canadian government to get the project...

Temat: RJ11<>DB9 - EQ6 Synscan. use EQASCOM/EQMOD, a freeware set of drivers that convert planetarium/autoguiding/pulseguiding commands into a form that the mount understands. The SynTrek controller firmware in the mount head runs to ASCOM standards. By download the EQMOD freeware and ASCOM drivers/interface, the laptop can talk directly to the mount without the limitations of the hand controller. This opens up a universe of capabilities from great photography/imaging support, to real-time satellite tracking. And, except for the EQDIR adapter (and a USB2Serial converter if required), it's free. Check out the Yahoo! EQMOD Users' Group. 3. The last three SynScan firmware upgrades have enabled a new feature in the hand controller called PC Direct Mode. This allows running EQMOD on the computer but using the hand controller as an interface. There seem to be some issues with this method, however, and some of us have had less than perfect...

Temat: Co to mogło byc Zaobserwowany dziwny obiekt
Polecam również stronę: Real Time Satellite Tracking. Po otwarciu, w górnym lewym rogu pod "Most Tracked" wybrać -ISS(ZARYA).

Temat: A fifth of world's fish landings 'are illegal'
...IUCN warned. According to the international conservation group, corruption undermines scientific monitoring of fisheries because it means official estimates for how much fish is being removed from the seas are lower than actual figures. As a consequence, those managing fisheries are likely to set quotas that are too high to be sustainable. The IUCN is calling for better enforcement of current rules, better tracing and labelling of fish and the introduction of satellite tracking of fishing vessels to cut corruption. Carl Gustaf Lundin, the organisation's head of global marine programme, said: "The large-scale occurrence of corruption adds insult to injury. "The world's global fish stocks are already severely depleted and this is just making the situation worse." Andrew Hurd, programme deputy head, added: "Scientists' evidence is not being taken into consideration when it comes to...

...Shark Enthusiast: I would like to thank you for expressing an interest in the work of the Shark Research Institute. Sharks need as many friends as possible these days. It is estimated that more than 100 million sharks are killed every year as bycatch and as targeted species. In addition to research, one of our primary goals is creating value for sharks as living resources, particularly for the tourism industry in developing countries. Other programs include visual & satellite tracking, behavioral and DNA studies of sharks, environmental advocacy, publications & public education. We are very happy to have you on our team. Shark Research Institute (SRI), a multi-disciplinary non-profit 501(c)(3) scientific research organization, was created to sponsor and conduct research on sharks and promote the conservation of sharks. Founded in 1991 at Princeton, New Jersey, USA, SRI has field offices in Canada,...

Temat: Great white sharks are moving in less mysterious ways
...more about the seasonal movements of the sharks they share their "office" with. Already the research is paying dividends. Victorian waters appear to be the pupping grounds for the species, along with the Great Australian Bight. Sharks tagged in NSW and South Australia have been tracked using a Bass Strait corridor, travelling as far north as Rockhampton and south to Tasmania. Barry Bruce, Australia's eminent white shark expert from the CSIRO in Hobart, said satellite tracking and acoustic tags implanted under sharks' skin were offering a glimpse into a species that had been largely a mystery. "It is incredible how the movements of these animals are linked," he said. The tracking has helped dispel some myths. Great whites were believed to follow the migration of humpback whales, but they appear to follow the whales' route only along the east coast of Australia. On the west coast they move in the opposite...
