Moonlight Sonata // =*
Temat: Sprzedaz albumów, notowania
...ABBA Gold 28,800,000
26. Meat Loaf Bat Out Of Hell 28,700,000
27. Simon & Garfunkel Greatest Hits 28,600,000
28. U2 The Joshua Tree 28,300,000
29. Whitney Houston Whitney Houston 27,900,000
30. Queen Greatest Hits 27,600,000
31. Soundtrack Titanic 27,300,000
32. Beatles Abbey Road 26,400,000
33. Madonna The Immaculate Collection 26,300,000
34. Beatles Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 26,200,000
35. Santana Supernatural 26,100,000
36. Backstreet Boys Millenium 25,900,000
37. Metallica Metallica 25,600,000
38. Mariah Carey Daydream 24,900,000
39. Beatles 1962-1966 24,600,000
40. Beatles 1967-1970 24,600,000
41. Nirvana Nevermind 24,600,000
42. Whitney Houston Whitney 24,300,000
43. Eric Clapton Unplugged 24,300,000
44. Phil Collins No Jacket Required 24,000,000
45. Britney Spears Baby One More Time...
Temat: Pioneer BDP-51FD - moje wrażenia
[quote name='HD Tosiek' date='29.01.2009, 18:19 ' post='145040'] Ale który? Ten czy ten ; Pioneer BDP--51FD cena 1500zł. płyty dvd-audio: Mike Oldfield-TUBULAR BELLS Santana-Supernatural Foreigner-4
Temat: Ulubione Płyty
Jak w temacie każdy niech podzieli się swoimi ulubionym płytami Ja zacznę: Pink Floyd-Dark side of the moon Slash-Slash Jamiroquai- a funky oddysey Queen-jazz, kind of magic Santana-Supernatural, All that i am Marcus Miller-Marcus