Moonlight Sonata // =*
Temat: Eastern Europeans set up the Aryan caste system
...wiecej na stronie:
Russian transliteration follows The Random House College Dictionary guidelines
Czech è is pronounced as CH, ą as SH, ź as ZH, ì as YE, c as TS
Slovenian pronunciation is similar to Russian; è is pronounced as CH; j as Y; ą
as SH and ź as ZH, c as TS
Sanskrit transliteration follows A Sanskrit-English Dictionary compiled by Sir
Monier Monier-Williams, where English is used as a base and C' is pronounced as
CH; S' as SH and sometimes as S. For the purposes of this comparison, long
vowels are not indicated, nor is a distinction made between dentals and
cerebrals. This is the reason why SED page number is shown.
Hindi and Punjabi use English transliteration; long vowels are indicated
by-:-but no distinction is made between dentals and...