Moonlight Sonata // =*
Temat: Samsung D900i zamiana softu
Google nie gryzie! Wpisz sobie samsung forum, tam masz tego od zatrzęsienia, i nawet dokładnie podane do swojego telefonu co i jak.
Temat: Schematu Samsung PS50A410C (lub sam schemat modułu Y)
Przecież on ma 3-y lata fabrycznej gwarancji. Schemat 12Mb do zassania Link Czytaj forum S. samsung-forum/?tag=samsung_sign;samsung_links part PS50A416C1, PS50A410C1 BN96-08800A ASSY PDP P-Y-MAIN BOARD; , 50HD Ysus 135$. BN96-08799A ASSY PDP P-X-MAIN BOARD; 50HD Xsys 70$ BN96-08801A ASSY PDP P-LOGIC MAIN; 50HD W3 60$ BN94-01786G BN94-01786G ASSY PCB MISC-MAIN; DP, 150$ BN96-06767A ASSY PDP P-ADDRESS E BUFFER; . 40$ BN96-06768A ASSY PDP P-ADDRESS F BUFFER; 40$
Temat: Problems with the "movie plus"-feature on Samsung
...(special scene I looked at at Planet Earth series). However, as it also is jerky every few seconds, it makes it really irritating to use, so I've also left it turned off. However, if there would be any solution to this I would turn the feature on in a heartbeat, cause it's make the whole system look "so much more expensive", and just.. more realistic. Hard to describe. As I said, I'm not even sure this is the right forum for this question, maybe some Samsung-forum is. But seems to be lots of people with good knowledge about this kinda stuff in here, so I hope we can come to some kind of solution. Just thinking it's bad that this feature becomes a waste, maybe just due to some settings you can adjust somewhere in the system.
Temat: Zmiana K510i na inny
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