Moonlight Sonata // =*

Temat: Jaxp: org.w3c.dom not found
Hi I want to be able to access methods to read in data from xml files into my java program and to that end I have downloaded Jaxp-1.1ea2, Sax2 and even Jaxp1.01, However, I have a problem with a class file not being found. When I try one of the sample java programs from Jaxp-1.1ea2 I get the error: java.lang.No.Class.DefFoundError /org/w3c/dom/Node Obviously the program cannot find the jar file that contains the Node class. But from the downloads Jaxp-1.1ea2, Sax2 and Jaxp1.01 I have placed all jar files in all places where conceivably jar files could go (i.e jrelibext, jrelib lib). In addition, I specified the CLASSPATH to all these locations. Still probably the import statement in the sample java...
