Moonlight Sonata // =*
Temat: 2 macs, one firewire harddisk
As for fast enough to stream movies, I don't know, might depend on the file type. a 1080p MKV might struggle, I don't know haven't tried it, but should be fine with a normal Xvid.
I share everything over a wireless network from a Vista PC to MBP via Samba mount. I've had no problems streaming over 1080p MKVs up to 8gb, as long as you adjust the cache settings.
Temat: Frame Drops via Time Capsule
I connect wirelessly from my MBP to a Vista machine via Samba mount and have no problems at streaming over large HD files. Even an 8gb 1080p didn't give any stuttering.
Temat: Set up LAN, share Internet with Windows?
Greetings , In any case , let's suppose your server is the one with XP. To your Linux Box : To use samba , install the necessary packages To mount a shared folder from your XP to you linux box using samba mount -t smbfs -o username=XXX ( password field aint necessary , cause either you got either you dont have a passwd ( which in that case you just press ENTER anyway ) asks you by itself ) so : mount -t smbfs -o username=XXX //winXPpcName/ShareFolder'sName /mnt/MOUNTPOINT ***MOUNTPOINT*** must be present before all that. That way you mount a shared folder. Now as for the LAN/share INTERNET connection,what are we talking about here...DSL , DIALUP ?...