Moonlight Sonata // =*
Temat: How often does editor check submitted links?
...doesn't matter what they would have done under that particular procedure.
But you misunderstand its purpose. It is not meant to coerce editors into being more active -- people without internal demons that do that, aren't going to be a factor in the ODP one way or another.
It is a simple and standard server security issue -- to disable unused logins. An editor who edits heavily for a time, then is inactive for six months, will upon reappearance be welcomed back to the salt mines (and reactivation of the login is virtually automatic.) So, in a very real sense, no editor is "required" to edit one site in each four months.
Folk who are "required" to edit aren't volunteers. And there isn't any procedure anywhere that "requires" anyone to edit. Editors ARE volunteers. That's a pretty fundamental part of the ODP concept.
And, once again, I repeat, because you seem to have missed it the first...
Temat: Krakow
Well ladies and lads of CSTO, my wife and I would just like to post a very big thank you here for the incredibly friendly welcome you gave us. Not to mention the marvelous Ukrainian lunch and the jokes, stories, anecdotes and other exchanges of opinion. It was the high point of our visit, and that is really saying something because Kraków is a fantastic city in itself with the Market Square, castle, salt mines and history. The castle is amazing and we spent an hour soaking it up as Maciek suggested. Something (free) in the air up there. I came away mightily impressed with yourselves, Kraków, Poland and the Polish people in general. There's a buzz about the place, and it doesn't seem to have the sordid elements of capitalism (or at least not visible and we were out at night, and stag parties obviously excepted) as places like Prague that I saw last year (which also...
Temat: Where are YOU from?
...and Innsbruck. Have you been there? I've been to Graz, Salzburg and Innsbruck, and I really like those places. Usually though I don't stick around them very long, because I'm going skiing or something. We're in Vienna now because one of my parents works in the Vienna International Centre, which is also the headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency. A great place to go if you're in Austria again is Hallstatt. It's a small town where you can visit amazing salt mines and ice caves. Also if you're into diving in freezing water, the HallstĤttersee has good visibility in the deeper areas. Not that I've ever dove there! But the caves and mines alone are enough for me to want to go there again.