Moonlight Sonata // =*
Temat: operatory "is " i "as" w DLL'ach - HELP!
...MethodTable: Pointer; // vmtMethodTable = -52; DynamicTable: Pointer; // vmtDynamicTable = -48; ClassName: Pointer; // vmtClassName = -44; InstanceSize: Pointer; // vmtInstanceSize = -40; Parent: Pointer; // vmtParent = -36; SafeCallException: Pointer; // vmtSafeCallException = -32; AfterConstruction: Pointer; // vmtAfterConstruction = -28; BeforeDestruction: Pointer; // vmtBeforeDestruction = -24; Dispatch: Pointer; // vmtDispatch = -20; DefaultHandler: Pointer; // vmtDefaultHandler = -16; NewInstance: Pointer;...
Temat: TObject.Create
...function MethodAddress(const Name: ShortString): Pointer; class function MethodName(Address: Pointer): ShortString; function FieldAddress(const Name: ShortString): Pointer; function GetInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): Boolean; class function GetInterfaceEntry(const IID: TGUID): PInterfaceEntry; class function GetInterfaceTable: PInterfaceTable; function SafeCallException(ExceptObject: TObject; ExceptAddr: Pointer): Integer; virtual; procedure DefaultHandler(var Message); virtual; class function NewInstance: TObject; virtual; procedure FreeInstance; virtual; destructor Destroy; virtual; end; O to ci biega ? wini
Temat: Lista publicznych metod danego obiektu. field definition table (or nil). -40 Pointer Pointer to method definition table (or nil). -36 Pointer Pointer to dynamic method table (or nil). -32 Pointer Pointer to short string containing class name. -28 Cardinal Instance size in bytes. -24 Pointer Pointer to a pointer to ancestor class (double indirection) (or nil). -20 Pointer Pointer to entrypoint of SafecallException method (or nil). -16 Pointer Entry point of DefaultHandler method. -12 Pointer Entry point of NewInstance method. -8 Pointer Entry point of FreeInstance method. -4 Pointer Entry point of Destroy destructor. 0 Pointer Entry point of first user-defined virtual method. 4 Pointer Entry point of second user-defined virtual method....
Temat: Jak sprawdzić czy zmienna abc jest utworzona?
...inicjalizowane i ich wartość jest nieokreślona. Ilustruje to poniższy przykład: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var a: TObject; begin Memo1.Lines.Clear; Update; Sleep (500); a:= TObject.Create; // te dwie linie a.Free; // mozna sobie wykomentowywać dla testowania AV try Memo1.Lines.Add(IntToStr(Integer(a))); a. SafeCallException (Exception.Create ('Wyjątek planowy'), Pointer(a)); Memo1.Lines.Add('OK'); except on E: Exception do begin Memo1.Lines.Add(E.ClassName); Memo1.Lines.Add(E.Message) end end; end; Dlatego dorze jest po zniszczeniu nadać jej tę wartość "ręcznie" lub niszczyć za pomocą procedury FreeAndNil, tzn Prawda to....
Temat: Jak sprawdzić czy zmienna abc jest utworzona?
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var a: TObject; begin Memo1.Lines.Clear; Update; Sleep (500); a:= TObject.Create; // te dwie linie a.Free; // mozna sobie wykomentowywaÄŚ dla testowania AV try Memo1.Lines.Add(IntToStr(Integer(a))); a. SafeCallException (Exception.Create ('WyjĂątek planowy'), Pointer(a)); Memo1.Lines.Add('OK'); except on E: Exception do begin Memo1.Lines.Add(E.ClassName); Memo1.Lines.Add(E.Message) end end; end; Ja proponuje takie cos na test: procedure test; var a : TObject; begin if Assigned(a) then ShowMessage('a<nil'); ...
Temat: Sterowanie polimorfizmem
... TypeInfo : Pointer; FieldTable : Pointer; MethodTable : Pointer; DynamicTable : Pointer; ClassName : PShortString; InstanceSize : PLongint; Parent : PClass; SafeCallException : PSafeCallException; AfterConstruction : PAfterConstruction; BeforeDestruction : PBeforeDestruction; Dispatch : PDispatch; DefaultHandler : PDefaultHandler; NewInstance : PNewInstance; FreeInstance : PFreeInstance; Destroy ...