Moonlight Sonata // =*

Temat: EN>PL Oferta i specyfikacja techniczna - pomocy!!! "flat" może się odnosić do kabla i do oprzyrządowania. Oprzyrządowanie płaskiego kabla jest najbardziej dosłowne, ale gacie mówią mi, że chodzi tu chyba o takie ustrojstwo do wleczenia kabli, nie wiem, jak się to po naszemu nazywa. 2. Gate type transporters "Układ transportowy typu bramowego" lub "układ transportowy typu rurkowego" chyba to pierwsze, o pipach i hosach to nic nie ma, ale to też tak na gacie 3. saddles, electrical, of type v-

Temat: !!!!!!!!!przestancie pedzic na tych motorach !!!!!
zostalem wylaczony z rozgrywek klubowych. zrobilo sie wszystcy versus moje skromne ja. poki co, organizuje sobie stanowisko na wzor zdobywcow dzikiego zachodu w 'blazing saddles' mela brooksa. (czarni v. indianie mowiacy jidysz - pasuje jak ulal)

Temat: YELLO - Flag
1. Tied Up 2. Of Course I'm Lying 3. 3rd Of June 4. Blazing Saddles 5. The Race 6. Alhambra 7. Otto Di Catania 8. Tied Up In Red 9. Tied Up In Gear

Temat: Zamieszki rozszerzają się z Paryża na inne regi...
pozwole sobie cytowac z angielskiego: > Witam. Trzydniowa bitwa na Polach Katalaunijskich byla w praktyce bitwa > nierostrzygnieta !! Attyla nie mial juz dosc sily by posuwac sie w glab Galii, > Rzymianie nie mieli sil aby go ostatecznie rozbic. Ta kalkulacja Aecjusza to > chyba jakies nieporozumienie. In this desperate situation, Attila remained unbowed and "heaped up a funeral pyre of horse saddles, so that if the enemy should attack him, he was determined to cast himself into the flames, that none might have the joy of wounding him and that the lord of so many races might not fall into the hands of his foes" (Getica 40.213).(...) According to Jordanes, Aetius feared that if the Huns were completely destroyed by the Visigoths, then the Visigoths would break off their allegiance to the Roman Empire and become an even graver threat. > Rzym byl...

Temat: Filmowo, dla wytrwałych...
...(1968) Ben-Hur (1959) Berlin Alexanderplatz (1983) The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) Beverly Hills Cop (1984) The Bicycle Thief (1949) The Big Chill (1983) The Big Clock (1948) The Big Deal on Madonna Street (1960) The Big Heat (1953) Big Night (1996) The Big Red One (1980) The Big Sky (1952) The Big Sleep (1946) Billy Liar (1963) Biloxi Blues (1988) The Birds (1963) Birdy (1984) Black Narcissus (1947) Black Orpheus (1959) Black Robe (1991) Blazing Saddles (1974) Bloody Sunday (2002) Blow-Up (1966) Blue Collar (1978) Blue Velvet (1986) Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice (1969) Bob le Flambeur (1955, reviewed 1981) Body Heat (1981) Bonnie and Clyde (1967) Boogie Nights (1997) Born on the Fourth of July (1989) Born Yesterday (1950) Le Boucher (1970) Bound for Glory (1976) Boys Don't Cry (1999) Boyz N the Hood (1991) Brazil (1985) Bread, Love and Dreams (1954) Breaker Morant (1980) The Breakfast Club...

Temat: Meret Oppenheim
Tu: saddles/oppenheim.jpg i ona sama: pozdrawiam owca _,,,٢ة إ ة٦,,,_

Temat: EN>PL Oferta i specyfikacja techniczna - pomocy!!!
...zwrotów z oferty, zawierającej również pewien opis techniczny. Całość dotyczy oferty na wykonanie linii galwanicznej do twardego chromowania, oraz sterowników automatyki przemysłowej. Poniżej problemowe zwroty: 1. Flat cable equipment. Czy można to przetłumaczyć jako "izolowany zespół przewodów". 2. Gate type transporters "Układ transportowy typu bramowego" lub "układ transportowy typu rurkowego" 3. saddles, electrical, of type v-

Temat: Skojarzenie
...> Dirty densing Kasia to było super:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) > Gwałt > Gladiator > Stawka wieksza niz zycie > Park jurajski > Top gun > Akademia policyjna > Gwałt > Matrix > Tramwaj zwany porzadaniem > Podoga dla bogaczy > Psy > to co teraz sobie przypomniałem. > Reszte niechdopisza inny uczestnicy :)))) Peter, a nie pokazywaliscie przypadkiem "blazing saddles" (plonace siodla?)? no bo dlaczego wymieniles gwalt dwa razy? ehehehe (przypominam urywek dialogu ze sceny z zapisem do armii, oficer pyta kandydata- bandziora:

Temat: VA - 100 Tracks Country Classics Vol.2 (2009)
...09. Freddy Fender - Baby I Want To Love You (3:04) 10. Janie Fricke - He's A Heartache (2:56) 11. Wilma Burgess - Misty Blue (2:36) 12. Ferlin Husky - Gone (2:21) 13. Alabama - Patches (2:5 14. Bob Luman - Let's Think About Living (2:02) 15. Willie Nelson - Pride Wins Again (2:13) 16. Dolly Parton - Makin' Believe (2:30) 17. Lee Greenwood - Ring On Her Finger Time On Her Hands (3:40) 18. Freddy Fender - Secret Love (4:01) 19. Frankie Laine - Blazing Saddles (2:05) 20. Carter And Young - A Lazy Farmer Boy (2:59) CD 4: 01. Gene Autry - You Are My Sunshine (2:25) 02. Frankie Laine - Rawhide (1:59) 03. Skeeter Davis - Crying Time (2:33) 04. Don Williams - Ruby Tuesday (2:57) 05. Kitty Wells - I Can't Stop Loving You (2:11) 06. Conway Twitty - You've Never Been This Far Before (3:0 07. George Jones - A Good Year For The Roses (3:04) 08. Gene Autry - Deep In The Heart Of Texas (2:44) 09....

Temat: Frankie Laine - Greatest Hits - 1990
...09. Frankie Laine - Wanted Man.mp3 10. Frankie Laine - The Hanging Tree.mp3 11. Frankie Laine - Moonlight Gambler.mp3 12. Frankie Laine - Cry Of The Wild.mp3 13. Frankie Laine - That Lucky Old Sun.mp3 14. Frankie Laine - Tumbling Tumbleweed.mp3 15. Frankie Laine - Along The Navajo Trail.mp3 16. Frankie Laine - Call Of The Wild.mp3 17. Frankie Laine - North To Alaska.mp3 18. Frankie Laine - Humming Bird.mp3 19. Frankie Laine - Blazing Saddles.mp3 20. Frankie Laine - Don't Fence Me In.mp3 320kbps 117mb

Temat: I ten typ jest prezydentem?
...stinking feed lots, the scenic montane backdrops pulverized by strip mines. All that remains are the guns, bulked up beyond all comprehension, and the hangman and his gibbet. We've seen it all before. But there's no escape now. Someone's locked the exits. The film rolls on to the bitter end. Cue music: Toby Keith. Perhaps only the Pasolini of Salo: 120 Days of Sodom could have done this celluloid scenario justice. Or the impish Mel Brooks, who gave us Blazing Saddles (one of the greatest films on the true nature of American politics), if you understand the narrative as comedy, which is probably the most emetic way to embrace it. Both Pasolini and Brooks are masters of scatological cinema. And there's mounds of bullshit to dig through to get at the core of George W. Bush. Because it's all an act, of course, a put on, a dress game. And not a very convincing one at that. Start from the beginning. George W. Bush...

Temat: Za miesiąc wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego
upsIGCyldjEM Compared to previous generations, people today can find working in the kitchen easier and even fun, Rexdale Alliance Church, Sl7na, Ricola Wav, Tennis Practice Backboards, Alisha From Btls, Newton Homeopathics Detoxifier, Drip Rates Kvo, Glaucoma Lackawanna, Bargue Drawing Method, Rosemary Zanke, Shaheen Raoof, Hilason Treeless Saddles, Felixxx2 Boys, Cemco Level Controllers, Todorova Spital, Asolo Rusher Gtx, Waterford Araglin Pattern, Ecomod Maxi Jet, Asia4u, Trigem 2002052 Glendale, Akos Kovach, Paramedic Powerpoint Downloads, Retrograde Nephrostogram, Felicia Fonseca Navajo, Fantozzi Filmography, Davis Aparrtment Almondwood, Showcase Homes Puyallup, Margo Tufo, Mudville Nine Narrated, Autotune Choosy, Augenartzt Basel August, Se440bx2 Pix, Debella Jeeps, A88...

Temat: Wezwijmy St.Zjednoczone do zwrotu ziemi Indianom
isa.stern napisała: > świetny pomysł, jestem za... ale wystarczy "żydowskich"...;)) > Zydowskich indianskich? Od razu mi sie przypomina film Mel Brooks'a The blazing saddles. To o tym?.;)))

Temat: EN>PL Oferta i specyfikacja techniczna - pomocy!!!
Miało być INCOTERMS 2000. A w przypadku FOB loszty dostawy do portu i załadunku na statek pokrywa oczywiście sprzedający. Ale to już chyba wątek do dyskusji w innej grupie. Mam tylko nadzieję, że znajdzoie się jeszcze ktoś, kto mi pomoże z tym " saddles ..." Pozdrawiam, Maciek

Temat: Aktorzy jednej roli....
Cleavon Little czyli Bart z filmu 'Blazing Saddles' ('Płonące siodła').

Temat: Why - Elephant Eyelash 2005
01. Crushed Bones 02. Yo Yo Bye Bye 03. Rubber Traits 04. Hoofs 05. Fall Saddles 06. Gemini (Birthday Song) 07. Waterfalls 08. Sanddollars 09. Speech Bubbles 10. Whispers Into The Other 11. Act Five 12. Light Leaves

Temat: Prezydent swojego brata
- WymieniłeśÂ Urbana dwa razy! - Bo nie lubię Urbana. (za: Mel Brooks - Blazing Saddles)

Temat: Komedie
...1995: Dracula - wampiry bez zębów (Dracula - Dead and Loving it) 1993: Robin Hood: Faceci w Rajtuzach (Robin Hood: Men in Tights) 1991: Smród życia (Life stinks) 1987: Kosmiczne jaja (Spaceballs) 1983: Audiencja u Mela Brooksa (An Audience with Mel Brooks) 1981: Historia Świata: Część I (History of the World: Part I) 1977: Lęk wysokości (High Anxiety) 1976: Nieme kino (Silent Movie) 1974: Płonące Siodła (Blazing Saddles) 1974: Młody Frankenstein (Young Frankenstein) 1970: Twelve Chairs, The 1968: Producenci (Producers, The) dnia 26 Gru 2007 17:19, w całości zmieniany 1 raz

Temat: Siodełka nieuwierające
...the main penile artery, temporarily occluding the blood flow required for erections. Goldstein believes that, over time, this pressure can permanently damage the vessel. He says he sees several patients a week with bicycle-induced sexual difficulties. One was Ed Pavelka of Bicycling magazine, who recounted in a recent article that years of marathon riding had left him "as soft as overcooked rigatoni" Several companies sell padded, oversized saddles intended to reduce the pressure of the perineum, but Goldstein advises men to stop riding altogether until a seat is proven safe. He said the ideal seat would 'look like a toilet seat" W skrocie - jesli chcesz zapobiec impotencji, siodelko powinno wygladac jak deska klozetowa na muszli. Problem jest powazny (w wiekszosci opisywany w specjalistycznych pismach medycznych)- kup siodelko szersze i koniecznie z wyzlobieniem po...

Temat: LMNO - This EP Reminds Me Of 93 (2004)
1. Lmno - Ears Hear (3:22) 2. Lmno - One Shall Fry (2:06) 3. Lmno - All that Mess (3:22) 4. Lmno - Looking for Away Out (3:20) 5. Lmno - Impressionism (2:49) 6. Lmno - Dust of Your Saddles (3:01)

Temat: Polacy w Finlandii - odezwijcie sie
...with his horse, scattering the crowd. We don't like to see them eaten - but that's the way things are in the world Miroslaw Sienkiewicz Fair organiser This is Skaryszew, just south of Warsaw, which since 1432 has played host to Poland's largest horse market. Over a thousand horses can line the streets on a busy trading day. The fair sprawls out from the town's main square, with stalls offering everything from barbequed kielbasa, or sausages, to saddles and horse whips. Increasingly this is an international event. As fewer and fewer horses are required by struggling farms in the Polish countryside, foreign buyers are stepping in. And many of them are buying these horses to sell on for sausage meat back home. Young flesh "Those that live in the countryside don't have much money now, so everything is being bought by foreigners," complained Marek Niemiec, who's been...

Temat: Yello - dyskografia (1980 - 2003)
...  12. Goldrush II (12" Mix)   13. The Rhythm Divine (1992 Version)   14. Call It Love (12" Mix)   15. Life Is A Snowball   16. Tool In Rose Link: Flag - 1988    1. Tied Up (6:09)    2. Of Course I'm Lying (5:56)    3. 3rd Of June (4:54)    4. Blazing Saddles (3:57)    5. The Race (8:08)    6. Alhambra (3:40)    7. Otto Di Catania (3:20)    8. Tied Up In Red (8:36)    9. Tied Up In Gear (3:58)     * dodatkowo na płycie reedytowanej znalazły się następujące utwory (bonusy):   10. The Race (Break Light...

Temat: 3 x komedia mela brooksa
Witam! Szukam tych 3 filmów w reżyserii Mela Brooksa: - Dracula - wampiry bez zębów (Dracula - Dead and Loving it) - Robin Hood - Faceci W Rajtuzach (Robin Hood - Men in tighst ) <- jest na forum ale część linków wygasła... - Płonące Siodła (Blazzing Saddles) Bardzo liczę na Waszą pomoc! Z góry wielkie dzięki!

Temat: Za miesiąc wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego
...%-]]], Art Loss Register, pwbk, Houses For Sale Spain, mtgi, How To Cook Beef Tenderloin, >:-(, Surfing Costa Rica, tvq, Honda Civic Hybrid Discussion, :-(((, E470 Home Page, %-P, Prostate Cancer Gleason Score, >:-(((, English Regency Chairs, hkrx, Cgiproxy Fresh For Bebo, 554634, Classic Gas Pumps, qiennb, Texas Summer Camps, 929825, Wrights Bobbin Winder, 936457, Bainbridge Ny Real Estate, cckul, Dallas Ft Worth International Airport, 35228, Blazing Saddles Wav, 321743, The Wanch Hongkong, 754, Turquoise Teardrop Necklace, %-OOO, Waxing Of Diesel Fuels, bcdn, Korean Actor Bi, %-(, Flight Training Loans, 8-(, Leather By Th Hide, 761845, Fryer Cnc Machine, %-)), Discount Enterprise Rental Car Promo Codes, :-O, Cambridge University Senator, 187, Cool Cat Names, 862, Physical Fitness Assessments, 91587, Fall Out Boy Slash Fanfiction, 15787, Menards Hardware Store, 935209, Free Instant Ordination, :-D,...

Temat: Honeywell - Discography
Disc 1: 1. Paradox, Septic 2. Nameless Victim 3. Blazing Saddles 4. In The Hands Of Amerika 5. Undesireable 6. Everything Is Like Circles 7. Thirtyeight 8. Abuse 9. You And Me Screaming, Numb Ears 10. It's A Wonderful Life 11. Industry Glass Catheter Disc 2: 12. Christ 13. If... 14. Five Minutes Only 15. Mesh Control 16. Keratinize 17. Genius 18. Expectafeelis 19. I´ll Love 20. Pallid Balance 21.Montgomery 22.Posthemosmis...

Temat: EN>PL Oferta i specyfikacja techniczna - pomocy!!!
Waldemar Krzok: to chyba nie z angielskojęzycznych landów przyszło? To jest niestety niezaprzeczalny fakt skąd to przyszło? Ze  Szwecji, ale od Szwedów rosyjskiego pochodzenia. Dzięki za pomoc. Maciek PS. Mam nadzieję, że ktoś po przeczytani Wojtka listu jeszcze spróbuje się posiłować z " saddles..."

Temat: O Iraku dawno nie bylo
...War Widows pension of £1.75 per calendar month, index-linked but subject to means testing, and fully repayable should our side eventually lose. There may be little time for formal military training before your departure and so we advise that you hire videos of the following films and try and pick up a few tips as you watch: * The Guns of Navarone * Kelly's Heroes * A Bridge too Far * The Longest Day * Apocalypse Now * The Matrix * Blazing Saddles * The Desert Song * Mary Poppins We do not recommend that you watch Khartoum. To mentally prepare yourself for your mission try reading the works of Wilfred Owen or Rupert Brookes. This should give you some idea of what may be involved. Yours faithfully, G Hoon, Ministry of Defence. (A Bush/Blair Production) Sponsored by Mars, the official snack of World War III

Temat: jak mial na nazwisko ojciec kaczynskich?
Kaminski To popularny mjano fsrut polskich Schidkuff!!! Mel Brooks From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Mel Brooks Mel Brooks circa February 1984 Birth name Melvin Kaminsky Born June 28, 1926 (age 80) Brooklyn, New York, United States Height 5ft 5in (1.65m) Notable roles Gov. William J. Le Petomane in Blazing Saddles Mel Funn in Silent Movie Dr. Richard H. Thorndyke in High Anxiety President Skroob/Yogurt in Spaceballs Mel Brooks (born Melvin Kaminsky on June 28, 1926) is an Academy Award-winning American actor, writer, director and producer best known as a creator of broad film farces and comedy parodies or, as he says, "spoofs".
