Moonlight Sonata // =*
Temat: Jeszcze raz Saddam, ale ciekawe...
...begun with move one and
counter-move. In response to Saddam’s opening gambit, the White House laid
down the first ground rule: The captured dictator if he wants to negotiate
must first demonstrate his veracity, notably on the issue of his prohibited
This issue is vitally important – and not only for the obvious reasons: the
Bush re-election campaign, the credibility of US, British and Australian
leaders in going to war against the Saddam regime. Most of all, clearing up
this mystery will determine US strategy in the war on global terrorism,
present and future.
DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources reveal that Washington and Dr.
David Kay, senior US and coalition WMD hunter in Iraq - far from groping in
the dark for Saddam’s prohibited weapons, as conventionally believed – have a
very good idea of where they are hidden.
The search has narrowed...
Temat: Dlaczego w referendum NIE
...said Washington should compensate Tehran for damages sustained by stray coalition missiles that landed in southwestern Iran during the latest war and for damages to its economy." Bardzo ciekawe. “We believe there are chemical weapons in Syria,” Mr Bush said. "Syrian foreign minister Sharah: If US attacks Syria, Israel will also get hurt." "Top Iraqis reach Paris as France connives with Syria to rescue Saddam regime leaders - exacerbating the Franco-American crisis." Oj ciekawie sie robi, naprawde ciekawie. Moze USA obrzuca w koncu Paryz i Szarika tymi nukes i zrobia spokoj? W koncu nie po to ratuja nasza ekonomie dodatkowymi 6 miliardami dolarow w offsecie aby patrzyc jak my Zabojadom w Unii do rolnictwa doplacamy, nie? No to teraz tylko patrzec w TV i jesc chipsy. Who's next?
Temat: "FĂźr einen Freund ist in meinem Haus immer Platz."
...Sollte Sabri nicht fliehen mßssen, gibt ihm Haider eine große Zukunft. Fßr eine potenzielle Saddam-Nachfolge sei Sabri "eine der qualifiziertesten PersÜnlichkeiten". Sympathien fßr Saddam Im NEWS-Gespräch lässt Haider ßber seine Sympathien im Irak-Krieg keine Zweifel offen. Haider wÜrtlich in NEWS: "Ich persÜnlich muss es dem irakischen Volk gÜnnen, sich gegen diese Aggression zur Wehr zu setzen." Das Saddam-Regime sei zwar eine Diktatur, aber: "Vieles ßber ihn ist reine Propaganda."
Temat: So where are they, Mr Blair?
...that were supposed to be able to attack the US east coast, the imports of aluminium tubes allegedly intended for centrifuges to enrich uranium, the unaccounted-for lethal nerve and germ agents, in quantities specified down to the last gallon or pound, as if exact numbers alone constituted proof. All, it seems, egregious products of the imagination of the intelligence services – one commodity whose existence need never be doubted. Maybe the Saddam regime was diabolically cunning in the concealment of these weap-ons, but the shambolic manner of its passing suggests otherwise. Maybe, as those "US officials" continue to suggest from behind their comfortable screen of anonymity, the weapons have been shipped to Syria for "safekeeping". But that theory too is dismissed by independent experts. Indeed, it collapses at the first serious examination. Why should...
Temat: Iraq-u
...agents positioned in Turkoman towns, corresponding to the US presence in the Kurdish regions. They are training small Turkomen units in the arts of guerrilla warfare. The Turks and Turkomans will be able to cut the supply lines from Baghdad to the Iraqi forces positioned on the Turkish and Syria borders. Turkish agents have also been planted in the Turkoman community in Baghdad. They are assigned to helping the American effort to undermine and subvert the Saddam regime from within, so reducing the need for large-scale military action. The new name to watch for is Sapr Oketene, the US-Turkish choice of Turkoman national leader. The forcible relocation of the Turkomen communities and their replacement by Arabs began in 1925 when the British first set up the Iraqi oil company in Kirkuk and Mosul. This policy of changing the demography of the oil rich sectors of Kirkuk by deporting ethnic Kurds and...
Temat: <<<Maroko >>>
...24 killed, 60 injured in five suicide bomb attacks by “international terrorists” in Casablanca early Saturday. Three were caused by car bombs at Belgian embassy, Jewish "Alliance" community center and A Safir hotel, fourth near Spanish center. Several bombers among the dead. Pattern similar to multiple al Qaeda attack in Riyadh Monday. DEBKAfile reports Morocco is main American North African base where also some high Saddam regime officials captured by US forces in Iraq are being held and interrogated US Administration officials say multiple suicide attacks in Riyadh carried out on orders from Bin Laden in person - confirming DEBKA-Net-Weekly report Friday Warnings against al Qaeda attacks posted Friday across three continents. Washington warned another Riyadh-type attack by al Qaeda imminent in east Saudi town of Jeddah. Australia and New Zealand...
Temat: >>__Zlapany_nr__11__w_Iraku__czekamy_na_Sadama<<<<
>>__Zlapany_nr__11__w_Iraku__czekamy_na_Sadama<<<< Dowodca gwardi republikanskiej-mordercow Sadama zlapany , szczury wykurza sie z nor..... US forces capture key Saddam regime official, commander of Special Republican Guards – his own praetorian guard – Barzan Abd al-Ghatur Sulayman Majid al-Tikriti, No. 11 on wanted list. Circumstances of capture not released.
Temat: !____________Troche__wiadomosci__z__Iraku_!_))))))
...machine never before known to exist. The only data released are a few leaks to the British media calculated to help prime minister Tony Blair stand up to anti-war campaigners at home and around Europe. From this treasure trove, America has distributed to its war allies some materials relevant to their national security. But no decision has been taken as to the disposition of documents attesting to the clandestine ties of collaboration maintained with the Saddam regime by a whole range of foreign government and public office-holders, academics, media figures, financiers and industrialists the world over, many deeply involved in sanctions-busting. By and large, Washington is not inclined to bare these secrets or make use of them at the moment, except in some notable cases. One is French president Jacques Chirac; another is the head of the International Atomic Energy Commission in Vienna, Dr....
Temat: __Nowy_masowy_grob__Kto_zabil_juz__wiadomo_dawno_ the 18 trenches were believed to be Kurds killed in 1987 and 1988 during the Anfal campaign, said Gregg Nivala, from the US government's Regime Crimes Liaison Office. "These were not combatants," he said. "They were women and children." During Anfal, hundreds of thousands of Kurds were killed or expelled from northern Iraq. The campaign included the gruesome 1988 chemical weapons attack on the Kurdish town of Halabja. The Saddam regime was carrying out a program of removing Kurds from the northern homeland and replacing them with Arabs. Many of the Kurdish victims were buried in Iraq's central and southern desert. Outgoing Iraqi Human Rights Minister Bakhtiar Amin, himself a Kurd, said half a million people perished and 182,000 are missing. "We must know what happened (and deal with) collective memory, so we can do justice, rather than revenge," Amin...
Temat: Jutro raport inspektorów ONZ. Atak na Irak w ma... not going to improve. Every delay in an attack to which the administration has already committed not only risks greater military, political and economic opposition but also increases the risk that U. S. ground forces will be engaged in desert fighting in hot summer weather. Recent moves by both the French and Russian governments to approve new trade and development agreements with the Hussein government might also weaken U. S. economic control in a post- Saddam regime. With crude oil prices at two-year highs and with U. S. oil reserves at 27-year lows the signs of a crumbling U. S. economy made themselves felt again today with a more than 200 point drop in the Dow Jones Industrial average. The Bush administration has apparently decided to roll the dice now in a go-for-broke imperial conquest that has as its primary objective the immediate control of 11 per cent of the world's oil reserves. In many previous...
Temat: Złapano fedaina Titusa Flaviusa
Gość portalu: piotr23 napisał(a): > i juz go nie ma.pisza,że cały personel ambasady irackiej w warszawie wyparował. > nareszcie!!!!!!! Azyl u zabojadow dostali : France offers all Iraqi diplomats and Saddam regime VIPs immediate asylum in Paris. French consulates are working around the clock to ease admission for many dozens of Iraqi escapees
Temat: Iraq-u
...towns, corresponding to the US presence in the Kurdish > regions. They are training small Turkomen units in the arts of guerrilla > warfare. The Turks and Turkomans will be able to cut the supply lines from > Baghdad to the Iraqi forces positioned on the Turkish and Syria borders. > Turkish agents have also been planted in the Turkoman community in Baghdad. > They are assigned to helping the American effort to undermine and subvert the > Saddam regime from within, so reducing the need for large-scale military > action. > The new name to watch for is Sapr Oketene, the US-Turkish choice of Turkoman > national leader. > The forcible relocation of the Turkomen communities and their replacement by > Arabs began in 1925 when the British first set up the Iraqi oil company in > Kirkuk and Mosul. This policy of changing the demography of the oil rich > sectors of Kirkuk by...
Temat: >>Odliczamy_dni_Sadama-tyrana_<<<<<<<<<<
...demolished the Iraqi air command and control center at al-Nukhaib, in the desert between Iraq and Saudi Arabia, 260 miles southwest of Baghdad. This strike disposed of Iraq’s southern air defense line and left central Iraq including Baghdad vulnerable to US air, missile and ground attack from Saudi Arabia,Kuwait, Qatar,Oman and Bahrain. Strike Number two last week completed the destruction of Iraq’s air defenses in the west, leaving the Saddam regime exposed to attack from the south, the southeast, the west and the north, as well as a US troop presence actually inside northern Iraq. DEBKAfile ’s military sources sum up American tactical gains in Iraq thus far: A. Hitting the H-3, site of the bulk of the ground-ground-missile batteries and air defense installations threatening Israeli, Jordan and US Eastern Mediterranean forces, as well as al Baghdadi, cleared the way for US...
...week, saying he needed to put through some gold transactions ahead of the war. From Jeddah, he flew to Beirut and… disappeared. US intelligence sources report that Shaaban never really went to Beirut. He made his way under cover to Damascus Monday and was picked up by an unmarked plane for an unknown destination. As Uday’s closest aide, he also managed a chain of official publications, including the authoritative Babel, and was in on the Saddam regime’s deepest secrets. Uday commands the secret army known as Saddam’s Fedayeen, the backbone of Baghdad’s defenses and custodian of the weapons of mass destruction that were not smuggled out to Lebanon. Uday is also the chief of the ruling Baath Party’s covert service. Shaaban must therefore be a veritable treasury of Saddam Hussein’s secrets. In American hands, Uday’s chef de bureau...
Temat: O świcie rozpoczął się ostateczny szturm na cen...
Pentagon mafia to run post- Saddam regime 07.04.2003 [08:32] “The Iraqi people will administer Iraq”, White House press secretary Ari Fleischer declared, appropriately on April Fool's Day. That same day, Jay Garner, the retired US army general who has been selected by the White House to administer a post-Saddam Iraq, set foot in Iraq for the first time, visiting the US-occupied southern Iraqi port of Umm Qasr. In January, Garner was appointed by US war...
...spoke to reporters after meeting a delegation of Iraqis on developments in their country. The spokesman of the delegation, Saleh Metleg, made clear he opposed the US occupation of Iraq and the US-appointed Iraqi Government Council, saying it had compromised itself by "joining hands with the occupiers." Syria was a staunch opponent of the US-British invasion of Iraq and has been accused by Washington of supplying military equipment to the Saddam regime and allowing fighters to enter Iraq to attack the US forces. Syria denies the charges. "No Arab country will participate in sending troops to Iraq," Khaddam said, referring to America's call for other countries to send troops to Iraq to keep the peace. Some Arab states, particulary in the Gulf region, have offered to assist Iraq's reconstruction with aid and technical expertise. But Arab countries have not offered...
Temat: >__Tu__jest__bron_Sadama_schowana__@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
...were sealed and planted over with new seedlings. Nonetheless, their location is known and detectable with the right instruments. Our sources have learned that Syria was paid about $35 million to make Saddam Hussein’s forbidden weapons disappear. Before US secretary of state Colin Powell arrived in Damascus on Saturday, May 3, the Syrians made the placatory gesture to Washington of speeding and upgrading the handover of Iraqi fugitives from the Saddam regime sheltering in Syria Most exclusive sources that on Monday, April 28, Dr. RihabTaha, a microbiologist known as Dr. Germ, was turned over to the Americans in Iraq. She had directed Iraq’s biological weapons program. Also turned over was Huda Salih Mahdi Ammash, who headed Iraq’s anthrax project. No announcement was made of their capture. However, the surrender 24 hours later of Taha’s husband, General Amir...
Temat: <<<Maroko >>>
...> by “international terrorists” in Casablanca early Saturday. > > Three were caused by car bombs at Belgian embassy, Jewish "Alliance" > community center and A Safir hotel, fourth near Spanish center. Several > bombers among the dead. Pattern similar to multiple al Qaeda attack in Riyadh > Monday. > > DEBKAfile reports Morocco is main American North African base where also some > high Saddam regime officials captured by US forces in Iraq are being held and > interrogated > > US Administration officials say multiple suicide attacks in Riyadh carried > out on orders from Bin Laden in person - confirming DEBKA-Net-Weekly report > Friday > > Warnings against al Qaeda attacks posted Friday across three continents. > > Washington warned another Riyadh-type attack by al Qaeda imminent in east...
Temat: Polski agent obserwował handel bronią masowego
...The author "coordinated" it from Paris, in France. Details about the Abu Nidal’s group were filed to Israel and to the CIA Station in Paris, Dastych wrote. Secret agreements, signed between the Iraqi Intelligence and the Russian GRU, provided for a "clean up" operation, conducted by Russian and Iraqi military personnel, to remove some WMDs, materials for production, technical documentation etc. from Iraq, so that the Saddam regime could announce that Iraq was "WMD free". This operation began after the 1991 Gulf War and lasted until weeks before the outbreak of the 2nd war (March 19-20, 2003), former CIA operative wrote. Całóść z linkownią tu:
Temat: Młódź lewacka się pokazała (Życie Warszawy) Please don't kill us. US marines took Safwan at about 8am yesterday. There was no rose-petal welcome, no cheering crowd, no stars and stripes. Afraid that the US and Britain will abandon them, the people of Safwan did not touch the portraits and murals of Saddam Hussein hanging everywhere. It was left to the marines to tear them down. It did not mean there was not heartfelt gladness at the marines' arrival. Ajami Saadoun Khlis, whose son and brother were executed under the Saddam regime, sobbed like a child on the shoulder of the Guardian's Egyptian translator. He mopped the tears but they kept coming. "You just arrived," he said. "You're late. What took you so long? God help you become victorious. I want to say hello to Bush, to shake his hand. We came out of the grave." "For a long time we've been saying: 'Let them come'," his wife, Zahara, said. "Last night we were afraid, but we said: 'Never mind,...
Temat: Synowie martwi, Sadam i podziemie zyje.
...From the start, it looked as if the brothers might be dead. The two dead men were said to bear an impressive resemblance to Uday and Qusay. The house was owned by Mohamed al-Zidani, a tribal ally of the Husseins. A 14-year-old child killed by the Americans  one of the four dead  might have been one of Saddam's grandsons. Qusay was a leader of the Special Republican Guard, a special target of the Americans. But it was a bloody battle. Those Iraqis who loved the Saddam regime will at least claim that his sons fought to the death. The Americans used their so-called Task Force 20 to storm the pseudo- Palladian villa on a main highway through Mosul. Task Force 20 combines Special Forces and CIA agents. But this is the same Task Force 20 that blasted to death the occupants of a convoy heading for the Syrian border earlier this month, a convoy whose travellers were meant to include Saddam himself and even the two...