Moonlight Sonata // =*
Temat: Newsy 3
...Układ sił w parlamencie przesądza o tym, iż kolejny premier będzie się wywodził
z rządzącej partii LDP. Partia jest podzielona na frakcje różniące się dość
znacznie poglądami, zwłaszcza w sprawach polityki zagranicznej.
O starcie w wyborach oficjalnie poinformowali już Shinzo Abe, szef gabinetu
premiera pełniący funkcję rzecznika japońskiego rządu, oraz minister skarbu
Taro Aso i minister spraw zagranicznych Sadakazu Tanigaki. Wszyscy pochodzą z
wpływowych rodzin o długich tradycjach politycznych, deklarują chęć utrzymania
silnych więzi ze Stanami Zjednoczonymi i nie różnią się zbytnio, jeśli idzie o
politykę wewnętrzną.
Najmłodszego Shinzo Abego popiera premier Koizumi, uważając go za kontynuatora
swej linii politycznej. Popularności energicznemu Abe przysporzyło twarde
stanowisko wobec Korei Płn. By nie...
Temat: Koniec dolarowej przewalany?
$ w Pearl Harbour, tylko Japsy jeszcze go bronia Japan sold its currency yesterday, Nikkei English News reported, citing currency traders it did not identify. Finance Minister Sadakazu Tanigaki told reporters in Tokyo today that the yen's move is too rapid. He declined to comment on whether the government sold yen yesterday. The dollar's decline against the euro has exceeded even the most pessimistic forecasts gathered by Bloomberg News at the start of the quarter, when the U.S. currency traded at about $1.15 per euro. The most pessimistic of 52 forecasters expected it would weaken to $1.20 per euro by year-end....
...sie fenomenalnie: US budget deficit reaches $500bn The US Federal budget deficit could reach $2.4 trillion over the next 10 years, $1 trillion more than previously estimated, official estimates said. A dolec tez trzyma sie mocno: The yen weakened to as much as 106.25 against the dollar, Japanese Finance Minister Sadakazu Tanigaki pledged to keep selling the currency to limit damage to exports from its yearlong rally. Record Yen Sales His comments came as the Ministry of Finance said last year's sales of yen totaled 20.4 trillion yen ($192.2 billion), five times those of 2002. The Bank of Japan spent a monthly record of 7.15 trillion yen in the four weeks to Jan. 26. Drobne 70 mld dolcow w 26 dni, po to zeby byl fenomenalny rozwoj w USA hehe.
...countries, it was clear the message was intended for both China and Japan. Meanwhile, US Treasury Secretary John Snow acknowledged a change in the tone of the statement, suggesting it marked a milestone change in which the G7 viewed the world. Nikkei Plunges on Yen Rise The sharp rise in the Japanese yen, absent any intervention, may well mark a milestone for the Japanese monetary authorities, now under the helm of Japan's new finance minister, Sadakazu Tanigaki, who replaced Shiokawa. Mr. Tanigakis said Japan's FX policy remains unchanged despite the calls for flexibility. Yet the broad based yen buying, and the lack of intervention, heralded the second largest stock market decline in two years. The Nikkei fell 4.25% to a one month low of 10,475 as a higher yen value lowered the prospects for repatriated earnings by Japanese manufacturers. Dollar Index Breaks Support, Confirms Gold's...