Moonlight Sonata // =*
Temat: Streszczenia sezon 4
...nie jest ona jego przyjaciółką. Odkrył także za jej pomocą, że nadawał by się na Gota. Peyton trafiła początkowo na Chasea Adamsa, jednak zamieniła się z Brooke, ze względu na to, że jest ona w nim zakochana. W zamian otrzymała karteczkę z imieniem Nathana. Mouth trafił na Shelley Simona, dla nich ten czas okazał się początkiem nowego związku.
Zdjecia z tego odcinka : Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers (04x14)
Sprawa odnośnie kradzieży testów z rachunków prof. Turnera nabiera rozgłosu. Rozzłoszczony dyrektor postanawia dotrzeć do osoby, która dopuściła się tego haniebnego czynu, w tym celu przeprowadza dodatkowy test z rachunków, w wyniku, którego odkrywa kto się kryje za tą sprawą. Pada na Rachel, która wcześniej miała pozytywne stopnie, a tym razem oblała. Prawda jednak jest inna, ponieważ...
Temat: Meet My Maker(Death Version)
This is where I'll meet my maker tonight So this is it This is my life This is my time It's ending tonight I made my mistakes I tried to live right Stepped out of the darkness into the light And when I'm gone Will they remember Will they mourn Will they move on When my sad songs for lonely son His time has come his life is done And tonight We'll celebrate the end Of this life And we'll sing Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Whhooaa aaooohh It's alright this is a night like we've began With open arms This is the way The way I'll meet my maker tonight And on my grave What will it say? Here lies another soul that was saved So please don't cry Just sleep at night And I will wait on the...
Temat: Co słyszysz?
Elton John - Sad Songs (Say So Much)
Temat: Muza lat 60',70',80'
The 80s - 30 Albums [CODE]Love Jams 01. Billy Ocean - There'll Be Sad Songs (To Make You Cry).mp3 02. Marvin Gaye - Sexual Healing.mp3 03. Deniece Williams - It's Gonna Take A Miracle.mp3 04. Peabo Bryson - If Ever Your In My Arms Again.mp3 05. Klymaxx - I Miss You.mp3 06. Patti Austin with James Ingram - Baby Come To Me.mp3 07. Regina Belle - Show Me The Way.mp3 08. Smokey Robinson - Being With You.mp3 09. Kool & The Gang - Cherish.mp3 10. Taylor Dayne - I'll Be Your Shelter.mp3...
Temat: Masters of Rock 2010
...;p) Poza tym pojawiła się firanka. :D Pięknie wyglądała Tarja w niej. Niestety mój kolega, który ostatnio na żywo widział Tarję w Żylinie w pamiętnym 2005 roku stwierdził, że się postarzała. Ja tego nie zauważam, ale w końcu obcuję z nią wirtualnie na co dzień... Co do setlisty, to była prawie identyczna jak w Miszkolcu, dlatego nasze rozczarowanie, chcieliśmy czegoś innego, no poskakać, jak to na MORze... a tu same very very sad sad songs... xD Na całe szczęście na końcu nas zabiła BOTB!!! Za co cześć jej i chwała. Co nie zmienia faktu, że setlista dobra na festiwal operowy nie bardzo sprawdza się na festiwalu metalowym... Z dobrych wiadomości - na MORze było mnóstwo ludzi w Tarjowych koszulkach i koszulkach starego Nw. I to przez wszystkie dni było widać mnóstwo ludzi w nich. Serce roście patrząc na te czasy. METAL IS FOREVER (forever...
Temat: Co słyszysz?
Sad Songs (Say So Much)
...dirt covers me. How sad. The stars are calling me. True. But mother, will you abandon me? Take me in. I want back. Mhm. I know, I understand. Closing my eyes makes me fade to dirt. I am happy now. Leave me. THE LONG RUN The sun is one, the roads are many, can I choose any? The life I live simply had brought, silence, a simple thought, thught of glory and the wildrness free, oh, am I wrong to thee? I feel odd, back in time, one poem in an age, the forgotten rhyme, the sad songs of the past, those, I listen to, I have to and I must, I go, that is what is beyond, to no person and no land I am bound. I wish, I hope, that is not a crime, I sight, when will it be my time, the time to be great, not to fade away, life is not a game, yet I have a chance to play, why is that I do not know, I broke but not bow, maybe in another life, you will be my cure, you will be my strife. UNKNOWN One lost thought, a mirrors took, this final had brought,...
Temat: Slane i inne koncerty
...1.10 Bryan Adams - All I Want Is You(1) 1.11 Bryan Adams - On Christmas Day (DVD Vatican 2000) 1.12 Bryan Adams - Cuts Like a Knife 1.13 Bryan Adams – Heaven 1.14 Bryan Adams - Here I Am 1.15 Bryan Adams - Here I Am (Live Potsdam 2002) 1.16 Bryan Adams – Star 1.17 Bryan Adams - Straight from the heart 1.18 Bryan Adams - Summer Of '69 1.19 Bryan Adams - Thought I'd Died And Gone To Heaven (PQ) 1.20 Bryan Adams & Elton John - Sad Songs (live) 1.21 Bryan Adams] Summer Of '69 Live Ver 1.22 Bryan_Adams,_Rod_Stewart_&_Sting_-_All_For_Love 1.23 Chicane_feat._Bryan_Adams_-_Don't_Give_Up 1.24 Christmas - Bryan Adams - Reggae Christmas (videot) 1.25 Bryan Adams - This Time (PQ) 1.26 BRYAN ADAMS - Young lust (Live from Berlin 1990) 1.27 Bryan Adams & Anne Murray - What Would It Take 1.28 bryan adams & celine dion - everything i do (live...
Temat: Jaka To Piosenka?
Pixie Lott - Mama do don't wanna hear your sad songs i don't wanna feel your pain
Temat: Meet My Maker
(This is the way I'll meet my maker tonight) So this is it This is my life This is my time It's ending tonight I made my mistakes I tried to live right Stepped out of the darkness into the light And when I'm gone Will they remember Will they mourn Will they move on When my sad songs the lonely son His time has come his life is done And tonight We'll celebrate the end Of this life And we'll sing Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Whhooaa aaooohh It's alright this is a night like we've began With open arms This is the way The way I'll meet my maker tonight And on my grave What will it say? Here lies another soul that was saved So please don't cry Just sleep at night And I will wait on the...
Temat: Free Mp3 Web Site
...Yonkers Complete Keyboard Concertos Volume 13 (Miklos Spany) Now 2009 - Los Mejores Exitos Del Ano Cd2 8 ^^ Music Store D.c. Victims Of The Night (Expanded Version) 1001 Greatest 1990's Music Hit Singles - Cd 95 Music Store Fremont 1981.12.21 - London (Live) 1976-12-16 - Tokyo Early Late Gig - The End Of Rising - Cd 2 vision I Itunes Music Store Mesa Saga Of The Seven Suns Book 02 - A Forest Of Stars - Cd 7 No If's, And's Or ButV´s Itunes Music Store Boise Time to Burn Sad Songs For Dirty Lovers Cd1 not Although Itunes Music Store Houston Keep It Simple,Stupid Tommy Vee Selections Vol 3 (Cd 2) Mp3 Music Store Pembroke Pines Radio Disney Holiday Jams 2 Te anhelo coffee nothing Mp3 Music Store Shreveport The Italian Western of Luis Bacalov From Da Dope Game 2 Da Rap Game