Moonlight Sonata // =*

Temat: Pytanie do Marka
...w Strasburgu. Dr Maitrot jest uznanym autorytetem w tej dziedzinie, zajmuje się leczeniem i operowanie torbieli od wielu lat. Pzdr. Marek ************************************************************ Tarlov’s cysts Prof. dr D. MAITROT 02/01/2007 Symptoms that can be related to one or several sacro-meningeal Tarlov’s cysts Symptomatology in the lumbar and sacral area: - Lumbagos or pains on the level of the sacrum and coccyx - Sciatic pain unilateral or bilateral of more or less typical topography, often appearing when coughing and/or defecation efforts. - Urinary and possibly disorders in the sphincter area - Sexual problems in the form of sexual impotence or difficulties of erection or problems of sensitivity of the perineal and vaginal area This symptomatology can be same side as the dominating cyst or cysts but also on the opposed side to...
