Moonlight Sonata // =*
Temat: Podsumowanie 2k6
verse - from anger and rage
first step - what we know
another breath - mill city
fire at will - sacred demo
have heart - the things we carry
fall behind - between the....
gig: nie wiem
książka: Sprawiedliwość owiec
Temat: UT 99 - jak/czy działa na nowych distrach?
...Sacred: "We have had issues with the demo, in that the source code for the demo and the main game is incompatible, the demo was made with an earlier version of the code. We would LIKE to get the demo out, but we have to realistically balance time and budget. When a rental for a week is, what, ĂŁ1.50 or something, it isnt a fortune. I agree we SHOULD have a demo, but we have to be practical. Where a demo is possible we do it. Where is a demo is merely âÂÂhardâ we do it, but the sacred demo is beyond that. We have expended a good amount of developer time on it, without success so far." ... /#comments